Thursday, May 30, 2013

Natural Menopause Treatment For Your Perimenopause Symptoms

Perimenopause can last for as long as 10 years. Because of this dreadful fact, it is very important that you find a viable menopause treatment that will help you address the discomforts that are brought about by this stage of your life.

Perimenopause is also referred to as the climacteric. This is the time hormonal fluctuations start to happen inside a woman's body. During this stage, a woman's monthly period can become irregular and can happen with months in between them. Most of women usually don't stop menstruating all of a sudden. Instead, menopause happens gradually and over a long period of time. Women start to miss ovulation for a couple of months. In addition, the amount of ovarian follicles that are shed by their bodies starts to increase. This in turn causes the limited supply that they have to slowly diminish.

The hormonal changes that take place inside a woman's body can cause different menopause symptoms to occur. These menopause symptoms include sleeping problems, hot flashes, sweating, fatigue, vaginal pain during sexual intercourse, mood swings, depression, forgetfulness, and headaches. Not every single woman will go through these symptoms. This is because the type of symptoms that women experience varies depending on what's happening to their hormones and what's happening in their lives.

If you're experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms, you now have a really clear idea as to how difficult it is to be in the menopausal stage. These symptoms can cause your life to be a living hell so you should look for the best possible treatment that will allow you to address them effectively so you can get the relief that you want and need while preventing serious negative effects on your life, which can cause some really serious problems later on.

If you want to get the relief that you need for your symptoms without having to fear side effects, then you should go for natural herbal treatments. Some of the best ones are as follows:

Soy Seeds

Soy is rich in phytoestrogen, which is a natural type of estrogen found in plants that lowers down estrogen levels during the perimenopause cycle and increases estrogen levels during the postmenopausal stage.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh root is a herb that is popularly used in medicine. It's very effective in treating different menopause symptoms.

Vitamin E

This is known as an antioxidant that's effective in treating vaginal dryness, urinary discomforts, and hot flashes.

Damiana Leaf

This is a popular aphrodisiac and stimulant that's used to address depression and anxiety.

Using natural remedies is way better than using medications that cause a lot of side effects.

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