With the numerous side effects that follow closely with menopause, finding relief quickly is crucial. Managing side effects like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and low libido is not something that can be done without some help. This is where products like Availyn come to play. Availyn is a natural supplement that works with the body to return balance and synergy. After all, it is the chemical imbalance that causes the uninvited side effects to take over in the first place.
You can go about treating menopause in two different ways. Some women choose to actually prepare their bodies for the trauma it is about to go through. Others wait until the onset of symptoms before they start making steps towards treatment. Of course it is never too late or too soon to start taking a proactive approach about your health, but it doesn't hurt to prepare your body before the storm. However if you are pregnant it is advised to seek physician's approval before diving into any supplement.
Availyn can prepare your body for menopause by promoting a strong uterus and kidney health. On a 1-10 scale--10 being the best--it is undoubtedly better to take a supplement that can bring your uterus' health to a 9 or 10 before hitting menopause, rather than starting at a lower number while menopause strikes. Preparing your body for the end of its reproductive cycle can potentially mean that you can avoid having any real side effects. A great example for this would be the case of Asian women versus American women. In a general assumption, women of Asian descent have a solid amount of soy incorporated into their diet. American women generally do not in comparison. Soy isoflavones are absolutely known for their ability to balance hormones and relieve menopausal symptoms. This being said, studies show that women of Asian descent often dodge menopause symptoms because they have coincidentally prepared their bodies for the trauma. Soy isoflavones are just one of the ingredients used in the Availyn formula.
Other ingredients in the formula are black cohosh root, dong quai, red raspberry leaf, sage, false unicorn root, wild yam, chaste berry tree, red clover, and damiana. Each ingredient is unique for its ability to target menopause symptoms and calm their effects. They work together to naturally treat hot flashes, low libido, night sweats, and mood swings. Herbal supplements like Availyn are supported by nutritionists and healthcare professionals from all areas.