Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Woman's Guide To Natural Supplements To Help Menopause

There is no cure menopause, it doesn't really need one.

It is a right passage that women will have just as the one came on that changed them from little girls to women capable of procreation. In the beginning, the changes were not all that hard on the body. They were young and nothing has ever been as difficult as taking form. It is almost like the rubber in the waist of a pair of slacks.

Once you gain weight the rubber stretches to fit, but when that same amount of weight is lost the rubber doesn't shrink back to its original state and neither does the female body go easily into adjusting to this lack of hormones, after having been filled with them for some thirty to forty years.

There are medical treatments for menopause symptoms; mainly this is in the form of Hormone Replacement therapy.

This is a synthetic hormone prescribed for women to alleviate the various discomforts that menopausal changes cause. For years women have been taking these HRT treatments, some take them for 12-15 years depending on how long it is before they actually have that last menstrual cycle.

HRT works well enough but it is the side effects that have caused a lot of women approaching menopause to seek a more holistic approach to dealing with the agonies of mother nature.

They are searching for a natural supplement to help menopause to combat the symptoms. They are looking for a supplement that works without the threat of waking up one day with breast cancer.

That is why we have taken the time to list for you a number of the herbs that can be used to treat menopausal symptoms.

Below is a short list of supplements to help menopause that can be used to treat these symptoms.

繚 Valerian root(Valeriana officinalis)- mood swings

繚 Red Clover (Rosa) - hot flashes and anxiety

繚 Cramp Bark (Viburnum Opulus) - cramping

繚 Flax Seed (Linum Usitatissimum) - hot flashes

繚 Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) - hot flashes

繚 Motherwort (Leonurus)- anxiety and depression

繚 Damiana Leaf (Turnera Diffusa Var. Aphrodisiaca) - low libido

繚 Dong Quai Root (Angelica Sinensis)-hot flashes

繚 Evening Primrose Seed (Oenothera Biennis)- cramps

繚 Partridge Berry Leaf (Mitchella Repens)- moodiness and uterine contractions

繚 Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea Villosa)- low libido

As you can see there are quite a few herbs that can assist you during menopause.

What would you give to have the best of them put together in one capsule with the correct dosage?

In years past you had to either use it from its raw state or find a holistic practitioner willing to spend the time creating a concoction of these herbs for you.

That is no longer the case.

You can find natural supplements to help menopause being sold online, health food stores and your local Walgreens. Getting menopause relief is as easy as clicking a mouse.

For more information and reviews on supplements for menopause, please visit my website today.

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