Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reverse Menopause - How To Get Relief Naturally, Male Or Female

Many people, both men and women are keen to reverse menopause symptoms and get relief from the pains that a decline in sexual hormones can bring.

It's quite normal to want to maintain a high libido, sexual desire and sexual activity during and after menopause.

The female menopause

What happens during the female menopause is that the production of the female sexual hormone, estrogen, almost completely closes down.

Often, this can result in vaginal dryness, lack of sexual desire, gains in weight and the symptom we are all familiar with, hot flashes.

The male menopause

For men, the male menopause symptoms are less evident as the decline of the main male sexual hormone, testosterone, is more gradual than with women.

Some men however, do complain of low testosterone levels, depression, sluggishness, extra weight around the gut and neck and a lack of motivation.

We'll talk about the solutions for both types of menopause.

Natural Methods To Reverse Menopause

How can a women actually reverse the menopause, lose weight, feel younger, improve vitality and above all, keep her libido perky and strong?
The following tips can help you, even post-menopause.

1. Taking herbal supplements

The best female supplements are combinations of different herbs that work to boost estrogen levels, increase energy levels and improve female sexual function.

Herbs such as Agnus Castus can work effectively in reducing hormonal symptoms and menopausal pains.

Black Cohosh is also reputedly excellent for most menopausal women.

Other supplements are brands such as Steel Libido, Libido Edge and Woman Alive (links to herbal supplements are at the bottom of the page).

2. Acupressure for women

Acupressure is used by some women to get relief from the symptoms of menopause.

While acupressure does not actually reverse menopause, it can be excellent for providing relief if a good practitioner is chosen.

Permanent techniques to reverse menopause

Many women are using programs written by health experts to reverse menopause, perimenopause or andropause effects.

The idea is to treat the very root of the problem by targeting the adrenal glands and toxic system.

There are some elements of detox involved which can be beneficial to all aspects of health in the world we live in today.

Using HRT and medication can have side effects and little in the way of a long term solution.

Just like men who detox their liver to improve erections, female detox methods help to improve desire and conquer menopause symptoms.

Addressing areas of your life such as diet, supplements, exercise and detoxing helps you to beat the menopause blues and enjoy sex once again.

Who would have thought it would be that easy!

Male Menopause Treatment

The same techniques when applied to men are just as beneficial in improving sexual health, erections, sexual endurance and desire.

Using only natural herbs, men can get rid of male menopause symptoms by increasing testosterone levels, detoxing their liver and nervous systems and reducing unnecessary body fat.

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