Saturday, August 17, 2013

Availyn Helps Relieve Menopause Symptoms With Its Natural Formula

With the numerous side effects that follow closely with menopause, finding relief quickly is crucial. Managing side effects like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and low libido is not something that can be done without some help. This is where products like Availyn come to play. Availyn is a natural supplement that works with the body to return balance and synergy. After all, it is the chemical imbalance that causes the uninvited side effects to take over in the first place.

You can go about treating menopause in two different ways. Some women choose to actually prepare their bodies for the trauma it is about to go through. Others wait until the onset of symptoms before they start making steps towards treatment. Of course it is never too late or too soon to start taking a proactive approach about your health, but it doesn't hurt to prepare your body before the storm. However if you are pregnant it is advised to seek physician's approval before diving into any supplement.

Availyn can prepare your body for menopause by promoting a strong uterus and kidney health. On a 1-10 scale--10 being the best--it is undoubtedly better to take a supplement that can bring your uterus' health to a 9 or 10 before hitting menopause, rather than starting at a lower number while menopause strikes. Preparing your body for the end of its reproductive cycle can potentially mean that you can avoid having any real side effects. A great example for this would be the case of Asian women versus American women. In a general assumption, women of Asian descent have a solid amount of soy incorporated into their diet. American women generally do not in comparison. Soy isoflavones are absolutely known for their ability to balance hormones and relieve menopausal symptoms. This being said, studies show that women of Asian descent often dodge menopause symptoms because they have coincidentally prepared their bodies for the trauma. Soy isoflavones are just one of the ingredients used in the Availyn formula.

Other ingredients in the formula are black cohosh root, dong quai, red raspberry leaf, sage, false unicorn root, wild yam, chaste berry tree, red clover, and damiana. Each ingredient is unique for its ability to target menopause symptoms and calm their effects. They work together to naturally treat hot flashes, low libido, night sweats, and mood swings. Herbal supplements like Availyn are supported by nutritionists and healthcare professionals from all areas.

Vaginal Dryness Can Happen During Menopause - 6 Secrets to Relieve It

Many women feel vaginal dryness during menopause due to the thinning of the mucus membranes and the loss of elasticity in the walls of the vagina. The reduction in the production of estrogen in the ovaries may cause the thinning of the vaginal lining. This, in itself, does not cause any problems, unless the lining of the vagina becomes inflamed and dry; then it is painful.

Vaginal dryness is medically known as 'atrophic vaginitis,' and it sounds like a disease, though it is not. It can be overcome with simple remedies, such as, a good nutritional program during your menopause. This is an excellent way of preventing your vagina from becoming dry and thin. Other solutions to the problem are the estrogen replacement creams, tri-estrogen cream or triple estrogen cream, and pills that your doctor can prescribe. Certain Over-The-Counter (OTC) vaginal lubricants could be helpful too. Applying Vitamin E oil helps hydrating the vaginal membranes.

If you are on medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants or other drugs with drying potential, these can cause drying of the mucous membranes, aggravating the problem. Doctors suggest a perineal wash (area between the posterior vulva junction and the anus in females) once a day. Women need to rinse the vulvar region (the external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and entrance of the vagina) with plain water. Opening the labia gently with one hand, water is either sprayed from a squirt bottle or poured gently from a square container.

Menopause, Vaginal Dryness and Sex

Though menopause is nature's contraceptive, women need to wait at least a year before giving up on contraceptives.

During Peri-menopause, the period leading to menopause, the sexual desire gets diminishes often. The thinning of the genital membranes and vaginal dryness often lead to discomfort during masturbation and sexual intercourse.

Women who have infrequent intercourse could gently stretch the vaginal tissues by inserting a couple of fingers in the vagina during bath. This may prevent vaginismus, a muscular contraction causing the vagina to close, and pain on penetration. Maintaining regular sexual activity, and/or masturbation will help. To aid vaginal lubrication, which is delayed with age, women can ask their partners to prolong foreplay. This could make penetration easy and comfortable.

Treating Thinning of Membranes and Vaginal Dryness

繚 Start with drinking 2 liters of water and herbal tea every day.

繚 Consumption of soybean stimulates estrogen production, leading to elimination of vaginal dryness in many women.

繚 Adding canola, olive, sunflower, or soybean oil to your diet will add lubrication to your body.

繚 Doctors suggest applying intra-vaginally, natural progesterone cream once a day.

繚 In doses of 200 IU at a time, take 600 to 800 IU of Vitamin E daily. Vitamin E is contra-indicated for hypertension, diabetes or a rheumatic heart. You will need to consult your doctor.

繚 One effective way of easing vaginal dryness is to insert a Vitamin E capsule intra-vaginally.

Home Remedies For Vaginal Dryness - Treat Vaginal Dryness and Boost Libido Naturally

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common sexual problems in women. Millions of women suffer with it mostly as an effect of menopause. The underlying causes of vaginal dryness is a drop in the estrogen levels.

Some of the most common signs of vaginal dryness include sever itching or burning sensation in the vagina, bleeding during intercourse and urinary tract infection.

Women who experience this dryness often experience pain during intercourse and a major fallout of this sexual problem is reduced interest or desire to have sex which can even affect your relationship after sexual gratification of both the partners is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship.

Estrogen production declines during menopause and this is what is the underlying cause of vaginal dryness in women. This makes the walls of the vagina thin and dry and reduces elasticity.

There are various options available that can help women overcome this problem. Various creams and lotions exist that can provide enough lubrication for satisfactory intercourse.

However, the best option is herbal or natural libido enhancers. These are supplements that can help boost libido in women and cure vaginal dryness as well.

Herbal Libido Enhancers

Though men have been the focus of sexual enhancement industry for long, women are finally getting their due. There are more and more products being launched to promote sexual wellness and treat various disorders in women.

This is a great step in the right direction and more and more women are now buying supplements to give a much needed boost to their sex lives.

These supplements are a blend of various herbs, nutrients and vitamins that:

  • Increase blood flow to the genitals- Good blood circulation is of utmost importance as far as a robust sex drive and proper sexual function is concerned in both men and women. Reduced blood flow is a major cause of decreased libido. One of the herbs that can increase blood circulation is Ginkgo Biloba and various studies confirm that when ginkgo supplements are given, women experience a boost in their libido or sex drive.

  • Increase the production of Estrogen- Since the major cause of vaginal dryness is reduced estrogen levels, restoring it is the solution as well. Certain herbs like Dong Quai are the perfect way to increase estrogen levels without the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.

  • Increase Testosterone Levels- Testosterone is not just the male hormone. Women also produce it, although in smaller quantities. Reduced testosterone levels can lead to a dip in female libido. Herbs like tribulus terrestris help boost the production of testosterone naturally.

  • Increase secretion of nitric oxide- Nitric oxide secretion is important to help blood vessels dilate so that more blood can flow into the clitoris and ensure improved sexual function. Herbs like epimedium sagittatum or horny goat weed help increase the secretion of nitric oxide.

Find out more on the the most popular and widely acclaimed Natural Supplements for Women that are clinically approved and have enriched the sex lives of thousands of women by helping them overcome problems like vaginal dryness and libido naturally.

For Menopause Symptoms Treatment, My Wife Is Now Undergoing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

After several visits to her physician, and two blood tests for Thyroid function my wife was very frustrated. She has almost every symptom of Hypothyroidism. Her tests both came back in the normal range for Thyroid. But very low in the normal range. These symptoms that she has would also indicate that her hormone levels have really gone out of wack the longer she has been perimenopausal. We have researched the Hormone Replacement Treatment (HRT) pros and cons and the Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Treatments (BHRT) being used today by specialists groups, and we have questioned why her physician did not test her for hormone production levels in her body.

We have decided that many primary care physicians do not want to get "out of the box" concerning treatment of menopausal women, unless the situation is dire or dysfunctional. So, women are not getting the attention that they probably need to live a life more normal and similar to the way they were before starting the menopausal cycle.

She made two visits to a medical group that specializes in BHRT. The first was to do blood testing for hormone levels. She was way out of the range in all but one of 7 hormone categories. A series of capsules were prepared to be placed under her skin, in order to give her body a "time release" supplement of the hormones designed to balance her hormonal levels out. The very small capsules were placed under the skin of her buttocks. These capsules are designed to last one month. She will visit the clinic in one week to look for problems and then return for another round of treatment after the month is up.

We are researching now, what her levels show on the range of this medical group, and what it means. We are also going to research, what other medical groups consider "normal" and how these numbers all compare. Of course, we are also going to see if there is a good, bad or no reaction to how she feels and performs.

I plan to write weekly articles in EzineArticles over the next eight weeks to let women who are interested in this subject know how this treatment appears to be working for her. I will also tell you the costs of the program and how much of the cost, if any, is covered by our health insurance.

If you have wondered about the details of this treatment and how it might help you. Watch for the weekly reports under my name in EzineArticles.

Are Natural Menopause Relief Products Safe Options To Relieve Menopause Symptoms?

One of the several most preferred topics of women in middle age is menopause or menopause symptoms. Despite some of the bothersome experiences, they still find menopause or menopause symptoms as an interesting topic. The major reason for this is because they would like to understand menopause relief which will focus on them and are tested effective and safe.

Menopause is a natural biological process that every woman has to face when she gets to the age of 45 to 55. It is a part of physical and emotional alterations amongst women. Majority of women undergo via the menopausal stage having to face the undesirable symptoms. They experience average to severe symptoms which often can be night sweats, sleeping disorders, hot flushes, anxiety, mild to severe headaches, depression symptoms and heart palpitations. For a few, it can be worse or often last for many years.

However compared before, women have several choices nowadays to reduce the menopausal symptoms. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is viewed as the common pharmaceutical treatment for to relieve menopause symptoms. This is a method whereby women receive oral estrogen hormone. It could be alone or coupled with another hormone progesterone. HRT provides dependable relief for night sweats and hot flushes. It's also viewed that HRT could help prevent strokes strokes, heart attacks and osteoporosis.

As any medication would be, HRT can be effective for some except for some who have been taking it for years, it brings a variety of health dangers. Health risks incorporate blood clots, breast cancer, high blood pressure and uterine cancer. Menopausal women should try to see their medical doctor before anything else and to take the lowest dosage which will provide them with menopausal relief.

Another safe as well as efficient menopause relief includes natural relief products formulated with a mixture of natural ingredients. Some of those who have serious menopause symptoms have turned to natural and effective relief. Vitamin E as well as other phytoestrogen herbal ingredients have became helpful in solving hormonal imbalance therefore they became safer substitute for HRT.

Natural relief works by balancing the hormone levels of the body therefore reducing and getting rid of menopause symptoms. In general, natural menopause relief products do not interfere with drugs. Herbal menopause relief products are highly recommended by physicians worldwide as effective and safe. Thus if you are currently experiencing menopause and experiencing it the hard way, you might also research on the web for natural menopause relief products.

Perimenopause Treatment - How To Treat Menopause Symptoms

Perimenopause is the transitional period that leads to menopause. Usually this stage is indicated by some menopause symptoms that can be very irritating as it is the moment where women will experience hormonal changes which will affect their mental and physical condition. These changes may lead to exhaustion, stress, and even insomnia. No one wants to suffer from these symptoms and because of this, it is very important that you know some perimenopause treatments that you can try when you feel like you are approaching menopause.

As mentioned previously, the pre menopause phase can be very frustrating. Hormonal changes will only cause us to feel sad or depressed without any particular reason. We will also experience irregular monthly periods which can be very annoying. Proper perimenopause treatments are needed to lessen the bad effects of the menopause symptoms. One of the things you can do to achieve this is by making some changes to your lifestyle. This is to ensure that all the bad effects that pre menopause symptoms might bring will be minimized. To live a healthy lifestyle, you have to introduce healthy foods into your diet fresh fruits and oatmeal, give up smoking and drinking, and exercise regularly. All of these are needed to make improve the blood circulation in your body and your health in general, and consequently the menopause symptoms can be overcome.

Besides eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can also try yoga or meditation to lessen the stressful feeling that be caused by the symptoms. Your will be more calm and relaxed so that you will not get stressed and frustrated easily when hormonal changes occur in your body. These practices can be very helpful to get your life back on track. What makes them even more fun is the fact that you can do yoga or meditation anywhere and it can be done on your own without the need of any sporting equipments.

You can also consult your doctor if the symptoms become unbearable. One perimenopause treatment that your doctor will probably prescribe you is a medication to treat the effects of hormonal imbalance such as vaginal dryness which can be very uncomfortable.

Herbal treatment is also one of the recommended ways to treat menopause symptoms that is worth trying. Compared to prescription drugs, herbal remedies are natural and they do not cause any harmful side effects. They are also cheap and very easy to get.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Red Raspberry Leaf Strengthens The Uterus During Menopause

The situation that goes on internally when a woman goes through menopause is not something to look forward to. The new balance of chemicals throws the entire flow of the body off. Just the lowered amount of estrogen alone can cause a whole team of side effects. Low amounts of estrogen will provoke mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes and more. The hormone effects how calcium is distributed in the body, helps maintain a healthy amount of cholesterol, and it keeps the vagina healthy. It also affects the condition of a woman's uterus. The uterus depends on a healthy amount of estrogen and progesterone to thicken its walls. Without being replenished by hormones it is not able to have that thick lining. If you are going through menopause then you will need some form of substitution to help balance estrogen and strengthen the uterus. Red raspberry leaf is an example of an extract that strengthens the uterus and has a number of other beneficial characteristics for women going through menopause.

Red raspberry is delicious on its own as a luscious and sweet berry fruit. However, it goes even further than being a tasty treat. The fruit and leaf of the red raspberry are quite beneficial for their medicinal use as well. For centuries it has been used for its medicinal properties. In the case of menopause it can be very helpful for relieving side effects. Even during regular menstrual cycles the red raspberry leaf can help calm painful and heavy periods. Others use the leaf for overall cleansing of the skin and blood.

The chemicals in the fruit may be antioxidant and therefore help relax blood vessels. This why women may use red raspberry root during labor and while giving birth because it can help relax or contract muscles.

The reason why red raspberry leaf is used by menopausal and pregnant women alike is because it helps keep the uterus healthy. A healthy uterus is key for preparing the body for the trauma related to both cases.

Red raspberry leaf also contains vitamins C and E, iron, magnesium, and calcium.

This is a great substance to help promote an all around healthy immune system. It is a great ingredient to look for in a menopausal relief formula. Not only does it promote a healthy uterus but it can help relieve the symptoms associated with menopause. Other ingredients it works well with are sage, false unicorn root, black cohosh root, dong quai, and soy isoflavones.

Joint Pain During Menopause Requires Your Attention

Many women experience menopausal joint pain symptoms. Medical experts have researched the connection between hormonal changes and this kind of pain.

Some women experience joint and muscle pain, mouth discomfort, headaches and some even report heart palpitations. Interestingly, women who suffer tension headaches, abdominal, or facial pain found their symptoms lessened after menopause. Scientists today feel there may indeed be a link between estrogen, hormone levels including their fluctuations and this phenomenon

Menopause and Joint Pain: Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause occurs when a women stops ovulating and her period ceases. Most women reach menopause between 45 and 55 years, with an average age of about 50. However, about 1% reaches it before the age of 40, known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure.

The most apparent changes recorded are in connection with menstrual cycle changes, changes in the bleeding pattern, hot flashes, sweating and urinary problems, such as, incontinence or increased frequency of urination. Dry vagina, mood changes, muscular weakness, joint pains and weight changes are all symptoms of menopause and can cause a great deal of pain as well as general feelings of discomfort in different parts of the body.

Menopause and Irritability: The Risks

Menopause is a very important time in a woman's life and all women who live past 40 must withstand the worst of this condition. A woman's body goes through many changes that can affect her social life, her feelings about herself and her functioning at work. In the past, many misconceptions and myths surrounded menopause but this perception has changed. Now, menopause is accepted as a natural step in the process of aging.

Contrary to the old-fashioned view that life is all downhill after menopause, many women today realize that the years after menopause offer new discoveries and fresh challenges. Modern medical advances have resulted in a wide range of health care choices, especially for joint pain and bone deficiency problems.

These can enhance quality of life during menopause and the decades that follow. It is vital for women to know that menopause itself carries no serious health risks. However, the chance for heart disease and osteoporosis (thinning of the bone due to the inability of the body to produce bone tissue) rises after menopause. Understanding menopause and the range of treatment options can help women make better health decisions.

Menopause and Irritability: Causes and Symptoms

Research has shown that a quarter of women have no problems while going through menopause, while half of the number will have some problems and the remaining quarter of them will have considerable problems including joint pain.

These are usually associated with osteoporosis and arthritis, which results in weakening of the bones and the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints that can fracture easily following a fall.

Fluctuating estrogen levels and poor estrogen clearance, can affect how your joints feel. It stands to reason that some women would also have joint pains in response to the hormone fluctuations so common in perimenopause. It's important to have yourself checked by your primary care physician for either osteoporosis or arthritis.

Menopause and Irritability: Treatment

There are also medications and exercises you can get that will overcome the severest of joint pains related to menopause. Some of these treatments include the use of steroids so it is critical to make this kind of decision in conjunction with your own doctor.

It's also prudent to check for the possibility of side effects from using these drugs and get a second opinion before embarking on a long-term treatment.

Andropause - What You Should Know About Male Menopause If You're Over Forty

Andropause is the name given to the male menopause and refers to the production of a hormone called androgen declining. This is not uncommon in advancing age but it is also associated with injuries and diseases that slow or stop androgen production. Recognizing the symptoms associated with andropause can mean a male gets a quick diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, many males-especially those under 40-are reluctant to seek treatment for male menopause; usually due to embarrassment they are suffering from the ensuing sexual dysfunction.

The male menopause is most common in men over 50-years of age. However, some men may experience andropause as early as 30. Once a man reaches 30 his testosterone levels begin to decline and continue to reduce by around five percent every year. Men over the age of 30 who smoke are likely to experience early male menopause. There is a variety of symptoms when it comes to the male menopause including changes in the man's masculine appearance, sexual changes and mood swings. Changes in the male's mood may include sadness, grumpiness, pessimism and anxiety. Someone going through andropause may also experience reduced muscle mass, decreased physical activity, loss of pubic hair and weight increase.

Males who fear they may be experiencing symptoms of the male menopause, should seek advice from their medical practitioner. However, there is currently no specific test that would accurately diagnose the menopause. Instead, the medical professional will organize for the male to have a full hormone profile completed. The profile checks thyroid-stimulating hormones, follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin in the blood and luteinizing hormones. The male will also be asked to complete a special male menopause questionnaire, including questions about his energy levels, libido and strength. The medical professional will also carry out a physical examination, as well as checking the patient's past medical history in order to diagnose andropause confidently.

Testosterone replacement therapy is the most common treatment for male menopause and reduced libido. As well as increasing hormone levels, the replacement therapy also replaces other necessary hormones that have been affected by the drop in testosterone. Replacement therapy can be given through the skin, intravenously or orally. This means a male can choose the best treatment that not only meets his needs but fits in with his lifestyle. Although there are several different treatment options, the most popular among men and medical professionals is hormone patches. These are easy to use and offer the male a stable flow of hormones; the patches also have significantly fewer side effects than other treatment options.

As well as hormone replacement therapy, males suffering andropause should also make positive changes to their diet. Eating foods that are rich in Omega-3 oils will naturally reduce the severity of male menopause symptoms. Individuals should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, grapes and eating fatty food. It is also recommended that menopausal men take a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements. Males who watch their carbohydrate metabolism will avoid putting on weight due to andropause. Magnesium, zinc, vitamins D and B, and calcium supplements will prevent the male's natural insulin from increasing. Lycopene, stinging nettle and vitamin C supplements will also reduce the symptoms of male menopause and promote wellbeing in males.

Menopausal Vaginal Dryness & Natural Supplements

Menopause is a fact of life. Many women who are in the menopausal stage, or even the perimenopausal stage, experience vaginal dryness. An essential point to bear in mind is while menopause is completely natural; the symptoms that often accompany it are also natural.

This does not mean you must cope with symptoms without help. What it does mean is natural forms of treatment are almost always the best.

Menopausal vaginal dryness is caused by your estrogen levels consistently declining throughout this stage in your life. The vaginal walls start to become dryer and thinner. This can result in basic discomfort and sometimes even pain during normal sexual intercourse.

In the past, menopausal symptoms were often treated with hormone replacement therapy, known as HRT. Unfortunately, too many women and physicians today continue to believe HRT is the most appropriate form of treatment. Women who do not need HRT are given it anyway, even though it can result in serious health problems.

Hormone replacement therapy can significantly increase a woman's risk of developing cancer and other serious conditions. This is because HRT is unnatural, and many women's bodies simply do not react well to it. In most cases, there is no legitimate reason to rely on a potentially-dangerous treatment when there is a much more positive, healthier alternative.

Natural supplements are considerably different from unnatural HRT. First, the all-natural ingredients found in these supplements have been shown to produce positive results. Although not every woman will gain the same results, many find them to be more than satisfactory.

Second, there is nothing in a natural supplement to cause side effects, or lead to any short-term or long-term health issues. Unlike HRT, they are completely safe for women who decide to use them. This means you can have the additional benefit of knowing you are using a product that has been proven to be safe.

While vaginal dryness is a common problem for many menopausal women, it is far from being the only problem associated with menopause. Women can experience hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and a general feeling of tiredness and poor health. Whichever symptoms you personally experience, you want relief as quickly as possible.

Even if your particular symptoms are severe, you should not be tempted to think unnatural treatment is your only option. Natural supplements will not only help to relieve your symptoms, they can also be a boost for your general state of health. When you choose to use a completely natural product, you will feel better and healthier. It can make an amazing difference in your everyday life.

While some women do need medical assistance for their menopausal difficulties, most do not. If you opt for a natural alternative, the symptoms can be relieved. You can look forward to the rest of your life with a positive outlook and good health.

Menoquil Review - An Effective Menopausal Relief Option?

As women approach menopause, the warnings signs set in - irregular periods, night sweats, hot flashes and psychological maladies such as irritability and low sex drive. Standard HRT treatments have commonly been shown to provide only short-term relief from menopausal symptoms, often increasing the incidence of heart attacks, strokes and even breast cancer. A refreshingly all-natural alternative called Menoquil, manufactured by Pharmaxa Labs, is a daily, single-dose treatment that claims to rival HRT. But what is Menoquil?

Menoquil is an exciting option for those going through menopause because it contains only naturally-derived herbal and botanical extracts, while still offering the same benefits as hormone-replacement therapies. Its key equivalent ingredients are phytoestrogen compounds and black cohosh extract, which have been respectively proven to boost energy levels and reduce hot flashes (in the same was as HRT's transdermal estradiol), but Menoquil's entire cocktail of botanical extracts work harmoniously as a menopausal remedy to support the body's hormones, rather than a comparatively invasive HRT treatment.

Menoquil contains soy isoflavone proteins which are also claimed to relieve hot flashes, but their effectiveness in other areas has been tested with mixed results; some studies have shown that isoflavones have little to no effect on increasing cognitive function.

Among the rest of the extracts, Chaste Berry provides mild pain relief, in particular to targeted menopausal pain such as breast tenderness and edema; Red Clover Extract has been proven to possess properties similar to HRT's low levels of estrogen and thus helps to relieve night sweats and also acts as an insomnia aid. This combination of all-natural, botanical extracts are a promising change, but there's something to be said about the optimization of synthetic compounds and their effectiveness compared to botanical compounds which have been subjected to little research concerning their use in menopause.

Menoquil is comprised of Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Calcium, Phosphorate (as Calcium Phosphorate), Red Clover Flower Powder, Red Clover Powdered Extract, Green Tea Leaf Powdered Extract, Guggul Gum Resin Powdered Extract, Chaste Berry Powder, Dong Quai Powder, Soy Isoflavones 40%, Wild Yam Root Powder, Black Cohosh Root Powder, Cnidium Monnieri Fruit Powder, Bioperine.

Concerning the psychological effects of menopause, Wild Yam Root promotes production of sex hormone-binding globulin and serum estrogen, reducing vaginal dryness but also boosting a low sex drive. Green Leaf Tea Extract boosts the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant, but also works with Guggul Gum Resin to stimulate thyroid activity, helping to quell excess appetite cravings. The addition of calcium promotes positive bone health to prevent osteoporosis.

Based on the ingredients in the Menoquil formulation it can be said that the product may: reduce stress and irritability, relieve vaginal dryness, increase sex drive, relieve hot flashes and night sweats, curb excess food cravings, relieve insomnia, soothe breast tenderness, relieve edema and headaches and increase bone health. Overall, Menoquil is a viable option for those opting to use a natural botanical product over a synthetic medication.

Menopause, Hot Flashes and Natural Remedies - Menopause Treatment With Hypnotherapy

Who would have thought that hypnotherapy is a natural menopause treatment? Did you know that hypnotherapy could help menopausal women lower the number and intensity of hot flashes? Well, it's true! Hypnotherapy is one of the natural remedies for menopause symptoms. A recent study from Baylor University has shown that menopausal women, who specifically visualized images associated with coolness in their mind's eye during their hypnotherapy sessions, had a dramatic reduction in the number of hot flashes.

An estimated 85 percent of menopausal women experience hot flashes. Many of those women seek out medical treatments to relieve menopause symptoms. These treatments include hormonal and pharmaceutical therapies, each of which has distinct systemic disadvantages aside from any benefits. Because of this, many menopausal women seek out alternative natural remedies. While the use of herbal remedies is relatively well known, the use of hypnotherapy as an effective treatment is less widely known.

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor's College of Arts and Sciences, Dr Gary Elkins has conducted several studies into hypnotherapy. He believes that the latest research suggests that the areas of the brain which are activated by imagery, may be exactly the same areas of the brain which are activated by actual perceived events. This then explains why women, who imagined a cool place while suffering hot flashes, felt cool rather than feeling the intense heat of a hot flash.

Participants in the Baylor study were 51 female breast cancer survivors, who agreed to hypnosis intervention for the treatment of their menopausal hot flashes. Prior to hypnotherapy, each participant was asked to identify their own personal preference for mental imagery to be used for the reduction of their hot flashes. Not one participant used imagery associated with warmth. All participants voluntarily showed a preference for images associated with coolness, such as cool water or waterfalls, cool mountain scenery, cool air, cool wind, snow, trees, leaves and cool forests. Interestingly, when asked to visualize images associated with warmth, unlike when visualizing cool images, the hot flashes did not decrease, even though they became relaxed.

Since menopause symptoms, like hot flashes frequently occur during the night, they can interfere with a woman's sleep pattern and even be associated with insomnia. Reducing the number and severity of hot flashes therefore could dramatically improve sleep for menopausal women so affected. Hypnotherapy which utilizes cool images has been shown to be one of the viable natural remedies for menopause, and self- hypnosis is not difficult.

However, if you have never experienced hypnosis before, it would be beneficial to attend a qualified hypnotherapist to understand the process prior to trying self-hypnosis at home. When ready for home menopause treatment using self-hypnosis, there are many hypnotherapy resources available, including audio CD's, books and tutorials.

Just remember to visualize cool images while relaxing and concentrate on your breathing. When you breathe in, for example, breathe slowly and deeply, and see yourself breathing in cool, calm, blue air and let it completely surround you. Feel its coolness touching every part of your body. Then, as you breathe out, see all stress exit your body through your fingertips. Feel and see the heat and stress float away. Next, slowly and deeply inhale again and see yourself inhaling cool, calm, blue air, as before, and continue to repeat the process. When ready to enter a deeper state of relaxation, utilize the cool images you have chosen and experience the relief.

Unlike hormonal treatments and pharmaceutical therapies for addressing menopause symptoms, hypnotherapy utilizing cool imagery does not come with harmful side effects. It is one of the natural remedies for menopause and hot flashes. So take advantage of this valuable modality and reduce the number and frequency of hot flashes with hypnotherapy. It is definitely worth a try!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Which Herbal Treatment for Menopause for Right for You?

Herbs grow all over the world and each one offers a unique characteristic. Some herbs can even assist in reducing menopausal symptoms. Discomfort and pain is nothing new with women and the changes their bodies go through. Finding ways to alleviate these issues are sought after every day by millions of women. Following a proper Herbal Treatment for Menopause will offer a number of benefits that are appreciated each day.

Who to talk to - To discuss your options, you have a number of options that you can reach out to. You can consult with your doctor and/or nurse practitioner, a herbalist and a holistic health coach. Each one will provide you a wealth of information to help you make the best choice for you.

What questions to ask - First and foremost you need to be honest with whomever you speak with. This is to ensure that you are provided the right information; if you give wrong information you could be taking something that won't work and you will be disappointed and you don't want to feel worse than you already do. Ask how each particular Herbal Treatment for Menopause will work for you, how often should the herb be consumed, how it can be consumed and the quantity of the herb that can be consumed.

You should not limit yourself to one type of treatment either. Consider all of the herbal treatments that are available. You may find that one may work better to decrease several symptoms rather than just one.

When you do decide upon a particular treatment, please also consider other natural therapies that can work with the herbal treatment to help heal your body faster. Therapies such as exercises, acupuncture and/or reflexology and perhaps you many want to include spiritual therapy along with the Herbal Treatment for Menopause.

A great way to learn about healing yourself from within is to consult with a holistic health coach. There are numerous life coach's in many areas that are there to help you through your life. They goal is to not tell you what to do, but to help you make the best decisions for yourself and guide you through the processes.

These individuals are wonderful people who care about you and know that sometimes you need a little help to get through the rough times life can throw at you. They are not like your doctor who write you a prescription and send you on your way. They are people just like you who are searching for the best way to get through life the happiest and healthiest way possible.

A holistic health counselor can discuss the various herbs that our planet offers and what they can do to help you with your menopausal symptoms and even other mental/physical issues you may be experiencing. Through discussion, you can find an herb that you feel comfortable with and are willing to try. Life is a learning experience that we must all go through and together you can get through and achieve your goals.

You may be able to only buy the herbs for your specialized Herbal Treatment for Menopause or you may learn that you can grow the herb in your garden. Regardless if you reap the benefits yourself or purchase herbs at your local natural food store, choosing an Herbal Treatment for Menopause is a natural and healthy way to deal with symptoms you would rather do without.

How a Checklist Can Help Identify Menopause Signs and Symptoms

How do you know you're in your perimenopausal years?

That's the question many mid-life women ask themselves and the answer may not be clear right away. Perimenopause is the 10 to 15 years before you reach menopause, which occurs when your menstrual periods have been absent for at least 12 months.

Common first signs of perimenopause include irritability, mood swings, irregular or heavy periods, hot flashes and vaginal dryness, although it's different for every woman. Some women may not be aware of any signs that they are approaching menopause.

Are your perimenopause signs vague or specific, mild or severe? Are they affecting your body, your mind or your emotions? What treatment options do you intend to choose - natural methods or hormone therapy? Is it time to look for natural remedies, or find outside help from a qualified practitioner?

You may have many menopause signs, or only a few. Unusual-for-you symptoms that you think are unrelated to menopause such as body aches, irritability, insomnia, forgetfulness, may in fact, be perimenopause signs. Conversely, some of what you think may be connected to menopause, may have nothing to do with it and deserve a discussion with your trusted health practitioner.

A menopause checklist is a useful tool that'll give you a snapshot of your current menopause status. You can use it to help you analyse your quality of life and decide if you'll take action or do nothing about what you're experiencing. If you have several signs or symptoms, or the ones you have are severe or bothersome, it's a good idea to take action now before they worsen.

If you choose to do nothing now, you may want to re-do a menopause checklist every six months to a year to assess the 'big picture' of how perimenopause is affecting your quality of life.

Action Steps

  • Look for lists of menopause signs on the web, or do a search for a 'menopause checklist'

  • Study the list/checklist and highlight what's bothering you

  • Take your completed checklist to your health professional for a discussion about your specific concerns and treatment options.

  • Research natural menopause solutions that have been proven to alleviate or resolve signs that interfere with, or reduce quality of life during the menopause years.

  • Several of these indicators may be unrelated to menopause and may deserve investigation with the diagnostic tools available to your medical doctor.

Keep in mind that menopause is not a disease, it's a natural life process that deserves respect. Menopause is like any other unfamiliar life experience - you can approach it with dread or you can focus on making it a positive learning and growing experience. Your quality of life, peace of mind and long-term health and wellness are worth finding the right solutions for you!

Early Menopause Cause - Symptoms and Treatments

There is not just one early menopause cause, there are several likely culprits. It is traumatic enough for women to be entering full blown menopause, it may be more so for women who experience early menopause symptoms. Know that if you are a woman entering early menopause, there are effective treatments including herbal supplements.

Early Menopause Cause(s)

Family history may play a part in your entering menopause early. It is likely that you will enter menopause around the same age as your mother and your sisters did. Though studies have been done regarding this connection, the results have been inconclusive.

Have you had a baby? Some studies have found that some women who do not have a child may enter early menopause. This is likely because pregnancy alters hormone levels in a similar way to pregnancy.

If you have heart trouble, this may be an early menopause cause. High cholesterol, high blood pressure may be linked to early menopause. Not enough is known about this connection so more research needs to be done.

Pediatric cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or pelvic radiation therapy have been linked to early menopause. The possible reason for this is that radiation and chemo treatments may cause damage to your reproductive system. This can cause early menopause. Adult cancer treatments may also produce the same damage to your reproductive system.

If you have had a complete hysterectomy, you will go directly into menopause. Your periods will stop immediately. Menopausal symptoms may appear shortly thereafter. A partial hysterectomy where the ovaries are left in tact will allow the ovaries to release eggs. The surgery though may bring on menopause earlier than for the average woman.

Early Menopause Symptoms

If you are entering early menopause, you may experience hot flashes and night sweats.
You may have irregular bleeding and periods. Mood changes including irritability, depression, and anxiety may occur. Fertility will decrease as might your sex drive.

There may be some bone loss which occurs when decreased estrogen levels are apparent, you are at a higher risk for osteoporosis because of this. You may experience cholesterol level changes including an increase in the LDL - low density lipoprotein that is also called the bad cholesterol. HDL - high density lipoprotein cholesterol may decrease.


Hormone Replacement Therapy-HRT (estrogen and progesterone) is the most common treatment used. Anti-depressants may also be used to relieve the possible depression, anxiety, and mood changes you might experience. Though these are very effective treatments, they also produce some very serious and possibly fatal side effects. Many women are seeking alternative treatments such as herbal supplementation.

Herbal supplements are a blend of herbs that are known to be effective in easing symptoms of early menopause. The best supplements will have been manufactured according to pharmaceutical grade standards and use only standardized herbal extracts. Quality is guaranteed from capsule to capsule and from bottle to bottle. This is also where the active ingredients of the herb are found. In order to ensure quality even more, the ingredients will have been extensively tested. The metabolic pathways of the ingredients are tested at the molecular level. The ingredients' interactions are also observed.

Although herbal supplements are safe with very few side effects, you should talk to your doctor before you begin adding them to your regimen. The reason for this is because some herbs can have an effect on the performance of prescription meds you may be taking for other health conditions.


There is not only one early menopause cause but there are several. Family history and never having had a baby may be linked to your own early menopause. Surgery such as a partial or total hysterectomy will bring on full-blown menopausal symptoms which may include hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and/or anxiety. The most often prescribed treatment may include HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy and anti-depressants are extremely effective for many but have seriously dangerous side effects. Herbal supplements are a popular choice among women looking for natural and safer treatments.

Damiana Replenishes Libido and Sex Drive During Menopause

One of the most upsetting side effects of the menopause is a distinct lack of libido. This can be very distressing for women in relationships as their partner can feel frustrated and rejected. The body's natural changes should not interfere with personal relationships and with today's medical advances there are possibilities of avoiding this. Other side effects of the menopause are mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats and sometimes fatigue. Many natural herbal remedies are available to treat this variety of symptoms and damiana is one of them.

Damiana is a small shrub with an aromatic leaf found in sunny, dry, rocky hillsides in south Texas Southern California and Mexico. It is effective in restoring hormonal balance and strengthen eggs in fertile women and also helps menopausal women in bringing back their missing libido.

Many trusted herbalists recommend damiana to restore a younger sex and higher sex drive. The plant can also be used for sexual problems in men or as a general aphrodisiac supplement. There are two species of damiana, tumera aphrodisiaca and tumera diffusa.

Damiana is also effective during the menopause for other reasons. It has mood boosting properties, which in turn reduces mood swings, a very common side effect of the menopause. As damiana is effective in strengthening the reproductive and fertility aspects of men and women it can in turn restore some of the hormones and conditions in the body that are lacking during menopause. The process of menopause is basically the transition between a woman being fertile and past her child-bearing years. If the body receives an influx of hormones such as estrogen that are present during fertile years, the body will not feel as many side effects as their body changes.

Damiana has some other uses also. It is used to treat anxiety, as an antiseptic, an antispasmodic, cough suppressant, mild laxative, digestive stimulant, expectorant, diuretic and astringent.

The substance can be consumed in an infusion of dried leaves, as a fluid extract from its leaves or as a capsule made from dried leaves.

This extract needs to be taken regularly for menopausal women and is relatively safe when recommended doses are adhered to. Damiana has a mild hypoglycemic effect so those on diabetes medication or those who suffer from hypoglycemia must use caution with the supplement. Damiana can also interfere with the body's absorption of iron so it is recommended that iron levels should be checked and replenished as necessary.

Menopause Insomnia, Argh! I Can't Sleep!

Living with insomnia is one of the most challenging health conditions there is. The side effects are dramatic and touch nearly every aspect of life. The good news is that most conditions respond very well to a natural insomnia treatment.

My intention is certainly not to be a medical authority, serious conditions that have chronic symptoms and neurological causes need medical treatment. Yet even such cases are often helped by natural remedies.

Few things in this world can weaken us faster than insomnia. Besides the obvious fatigue, there is the lack of concentration, memory lapses, irritability, and weakened immune system, just to mention a few symptoms.

A lack of sleep has the effect of bringing out the worst in us. The ability to cope simply goes down the drain. Life becomes like an endless stream of event in which we are required to participate; hopefully without making too many mistakes.

Insomnia can take the zest out of everyday life and dull our senses. To top it off, you just can't store up sleep, like food for the winter. Talk about something to bring on stress!

What is insomnia?

Everyone experiences the inability to sleep soundly once in a while. It is when it occurs often that the problems arise. Generally, it is defined as:

1. Trouble falling asleep

2. Waking up a lot during the night with trouble returning to sleep

3. Waking up too early in the morning

4. Having un-refreshing sleep, even after 7 or 8 hours of sleep

Losing sleep can cause problems during the day, such as fatigue, trouble thinking clearly or staying focused, or feeling depressed or irritable. It is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night. Although the amount a person needs varies, most people need between 7 and 8 hours a night.

It is not necessary to lie awake at night, your mind marching through endless scenarios of sleep-depriving worry. There is a way to find the rest and peace you need!

Types of insomnia and their causes

1. Short Term- Lasting from a few nights to a few weeks.

2. Intermittent (on and off)- Short term , which happens from time to time.

3. Long Term or Chronic-Occurs at least 3 nights a week over a month or more.

4. Having un-refreshing sleep, even after 7 or 8 hours of sleep

Chronic insomnia is either primary or secondary. Primary means that it is not caused by any other health problem. Secondary means that it is caused by a medical condition, such as arthritis, cancer, depression. It can also be caused by a partner who snores loudly or poor sleeping conditions, such too much noise or light.

Women and men

Women are much more likely to suffer from insomnia than men. Some research suggests that certain social factors, such as being unemployed or divorced, are related to poor sleep and increase the risk of insomnia in women. Pregnancy and menopause may also disturb sleep. The well known symptom of hot flashes can cause sleeplessness as well. Menopause insomnia can make your days pretty long, fortunately there is a lot you can do to help yourself.

The inability to sleep well can also increases with age.

Are there any solutions that are safe and effective?

If your inability to sleep is primary, that is, not caused by another medical condition, then there are numerous ways to find some well needed rest.

Many old remedies are very effective and totally safe. For example, the warm milk drink before bed often works wonders.

Various herbal drinks such as chamomile are also very good, and there are many other herbal remedies that are non-addictive and have no harmful side effects.

One technique I have used many times is playing soothing sounds such as a rainstorm or even the purring of a cat. These products are designed specifically as sleep aids and have the added benefit of drowning out unwanted noise.

Menopause Treatment: Is It Necessary?

A lot of women wonder if menopause treatment is really necessary. After all, menopause is a natural thing. Do you need to pop pills, go through hormone replacement therapy, or search our natural remedies for treatment?

Most women do not need any type of treatment unless menopause symptoms are causing discomfort or interfering with your daily activities. In most causes when a medical treatment is discussed, we think of it like the road to a cure. Once your body enters menopause, there is no reversing the changes your body undergoes. Menopause treatment is a way of managing bothersome symptoms.

You can seek out the professional opinion of your doctor if feel you need symptom management. One management method to discuss is something called hormone replacement therapy. There are ups and downs to this therapy, as there are with any management method. Discussing your symptoms, what discomfort needs to be managed, and the options available to you with your doctor will be helpful.

If you are interested in natural management methods, here are some menopause treatment suggestions that you might find useful:

繚 Hot flashes are one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Avoid the things that trigger hot flashes such as spicy foods, caffeine, stress, alcohol, or being in hot areas. You can dress in layers and remove them when feeling a hot flash begin. Keep a fan handy at home or work. During a hot flash, take slow and deep breaths.

繚 Vaginal dryness is another uncomfortable and common symptom. It can make intercourse very uncomfortable, even painful. Try using a water-based, over-the-counter vaginal lubricant such as K-Y Jelly. Over-the-counter vaginal moisturizers can be helpful for replenishing moisture in the vaginal area.

繚 Mood swings are one of the most common reasons women seek menopause treatment. Try treating this symptom by getting enough sleep and keeping yourself physically active. Speak with your doctor about your mood swings openly to see if you may be suffering from depression. Consider talking to a therapist or joining a support group.

As you can see, there are many different management methods available, from medical to natural. You are sure to find one that is best for you!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hot Flashes and How To Handle Them With Ease

As a certified master Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, I'm usually looked at funny when I begin to talk about the subject of this article. Here's why for one I'm a male, and I don't look like your typical menopause fitness expert. My experience comes from personally coaching hundreds of menopausal women over the last thirteen years and I have learned to really understand the female body and how peri-menopause and hot flashes affects a women's life once it begins.

For women who are going through menopause, hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms. The majority of American women who are in the middle of menopause experience night sweats from time to time. Hot flushes can be a sudden feeling of warmth that comes over the body, accompanied by reddening of the face and sweating, which is then followed by a cooling sensation. What causes hot flashes is not yet known, and they tend to happen without warning. Some women also experience an increased heart rate and chills along with the hot flashes. Hot flashes that are accompanied by sweating and that occur during the nighttime are called night sweats. It is known that hot flashes are related to the circulation of the blood. Hot flashes, though uncomfortable are generally harmless otherwise. For some women, they only occur for a short period of time, while for others they continue even after menopause. Prevented and remedied for this symptom are fairly simple methods.

For most women who are in the midst of menopause, feeling warm and sweaty at random times of the day pretty much go hand in hand with this phase of their lives. It can even be said that flashes cannot be avoided during menopause. For quick relief, take simple measures once you begin to feel a body temperature change begins.

One obvious solution for is to stay cool and trying not to get yourself too worked when you feel a flash coming on. Staying cool can be accomplished by keeping the air conditioner on, wearing lighter clothing if possible, and staying away from sources of heat. Most remedies aren't too complex and only take simple measures to provide relief. Another method is breathing exercises. When a flash begins to happens, simply take deep breathes for as long as necessary until the feeling passes. Try practicing breathing throughout the day to relieve stress levels and lower the chance of a random flare up.

Other remedies for hot flashes include exercising and paying careful attention to your diet. Exercises like biking, running, or walking are a great help. Certain foods are known to contribute to flare up, so watch your diet and avoid foods like spicy food, alcohol and caffeine. Hormone replacement therapy provides relief for menopause and many of the female symptom women experience during this period of their lives. Since hot flashes are a part of menopausal symptoms, getting hormone replacement therapy for menopause relief will reduce the occurrence of hot flashes. If these don't work for your relief, then you can try prescription or non-prescription drugs. Vitamins A and B complex as well as Ibuprofen are considered hot flash remedies. There are also other prescription drugs that can help relieve this severity of this symptom.

Otherwise, for hot flash relief and overall menopause relief, preventative measures should be taken as well as general daily care to lessen and prevent the symptoms. Experiencing body temperature changes are only a normal part of menopause. If the right steps are taken, the experiencing night sweats and warm sensations during random times a day can stop completely. Following a healthy active lifestyle will make this crazy symptom become much more bearable once it occurs. If you are unsure of what to do, always consult a doctor for the best advice on how to lessen or prevent your menopause symptoms.

Urethritis & Cystitis Treatment

Cystitis refers to sharp and painful inflammation of the bladder whereas urethritis is inflammation of urethra which is the tube, through which the urine travels from the bladder to the outside.

One of the symptoms of cystitis is an acute burning sensation around the vulva and it hurts during urinary excretion. You can easily get to know when you are suffering from urethritis since the symptoms are so obvious and hard to ignore. The urge to urinate increases which is accompanied by a lower back pain. Urethra or bladder infection gives a whole new meaning to "urgency". It usually occurs due to poor hygiene in the area of urethra. It can also occur due to congenial defects in the urinary tract or if an instrument which is not sterilized is inserted in a patient to analyze a urinary problem. There may also be discharge which is cloudy, green-yellow mucus or white and watery.

Going by doctor's advice, one should never hold urine for too long, since it leads to infection. Drinking less water doesn't mean that there will be less urine, it would just result in dehydration. Drinking lots of water would immediately give relief from the pain. Water removes all the toxins from the body and cleanses the entire excretory system. As it is said prevention is better than cure so it is essential to drink minimum of 10 glasses of water a day.

It is generally observed that women who have undergone menopause are easily susceptible to urethritis and cystitis. The best way to treat urethritis and cystitis is to go to the doctor who would prescribe antibiotics to recover. Intake of vitamin C can prevent frequent infections. A herbal cure is to drink pure cranberry juice which will give you relief since it will acidify the urine and reduce the infection. Dried cranberries can also be tried. In Homeopathy "Cantharis" is recommended as a cure. Decreasing sugar and soda intake can also help to reduce the problem.

Home remedies to treat cystitis is to drink cucumber juice mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice and a teaspoon of honey taken 3 times daily, This would make you feel better very quickly. One more home remedy is to use a teaspoon of drumstick flower juice and mix it with coconut water taken twice daily. To avoid using medication, you can also drink radish leaves juice once daily which would surely make you feel better. Somehow it is always said it is best to treat infections with natural things than man made, hence you can also try spinach juice mixed with coconut water. Drink twice daily and it would do wonder for your cystitis.

It is not necessary that cystitis and urethritis would always occur simultaneously. However, frequently the two coincide. When they occur together it is also called UTI (urinary tract infection).

Another treatment for cystitis is radiation cystitis treatment. In radiation cystitis treatment, radiation helps in treating the infected area and prevents the infection from spreading in any other organ. The flip side of this treatment is that the tissue near the infected area could get affected by the radiation beam. It is usually used when the infection becomes very severe.

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Dealing With Menopause Symptoms - Vaginal Dryness and Itching

Around the time of menopause almost half of all women have some sort of problem involving vaginal dryness and itching. Even before the levels of estrogen start to fall significantly, some women notice that less lubrication is produced during intercourse, and sexual arousal is more difficult.They may put it down to 'tiredness' and loss of interest in their partner, but the mucous membranes around the genitals are actually changing.

There are a number of menopause remedies, apart from hormones, for vaginal dryness, but itching normally signals an infection that will require a doctor's attention.

What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

When estrogen levels start to fall, the walls of the vagina become thinner, drier and less elastic; most of this is a direct result of reduced blood flow.

Estrogen is a vasodilator, which means that it increases the size and flexibility of the blood vessels, so with less of this hormone around, the blood supply is diminished, and the cells in the vaginal walls get thinner, drier and more prone to itchiness and irritation. The epithelial tissue in the vagina is dependent on estrogen and, in the absence of this hormone, the superficial protective layer thins or disappears altogether, making it more prone to damage if extra lubrication is not used during sex. The lubrication of the vagina is also affected by circulation, as a lot of the moisture is produced by fluid seeping out of blood vessels and into the vagina rather than direct secretion from glands. When there is not enough lubrication, sex can lead to irritation, even pain, and post-coital bleeding. If you experience discomfort or bleeding during intercourse, it is important to do something about it.

Non-Menopausal Causes

Bear in mind that any medicines warning of a dry mouth as a side effect are going to dry up all mucous membranes, including your vagina. Anti-histamines are the biggest culprits, and they include medications for hay fever and travel sickness. Many antidepressants can decrease libido and thus affect lubrication, in particular fluoxetine, the tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). If vaginal dryness coincides with or starts soon after you commence any medication, check with your doctor in case the medication is the problem.

If you notice dry eyes, nose and mouth as well as a dry vagina, it is important to check that you don't have an autoimmune disorder known as Sjogrens syndrome. Your doctor will need to do a blood test to diagnose this, and the symptoms can be treated with lubricants and artificial tears and saliva.

Liquid douche preparations can disrupt the normal chemical balance and may lead to a feeling of dryness in your vagina.

Natural Remedies For Menopause - Black Cohosh

For many women, the side effects of HRT have made it a less desirable option to manage the symptoms of menopause. However, the discomfort of these symptoms mean some treatment is necessary.

Hot flashes, night sweats, panic attacks, headaches, and mood swings can make life difficult for a menopausal woman, as well as affecting her relationships with her family. When we feel ill, our whole outlook on life can be affected, making it more challenging to engage the levels of spiritual transformation that are associated with menopause.

Fortunately, there are a number of options available to women who'd prefer to experience menopause naturally. It's important to note though, that medication may still be needed for some. Dr Christiane Northrup has written of some menopausal patients of hers that were adamant they were not taking HRT. But after exhausting the herbal and nutritional options, the symptoms were still so bad that in the end they opted to take hormone replacement therapy.

One well known herbal treatment for menopause is black cohosh. Also known by the botanical name of Cimicifuga racemosa, this powerful herb is a phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens were originally thought to work by binding to the estrogen receptors in the body. Phytoestrogens are similar to natural estrogen in chemical structure, though they have a milder effect on the body. Thus, when they locked into the estrogen receptors, they were thought to have an effect that mildly mimicked estrogen, thus counterbalancing the reduced levels of estrogen in a woman's body.

However, this is now not believed to be the main way phytoestrogens like black cohosh work. Whilst they do in fact bind to at least one subtype of estrogen receptor, they may actually work to block that receptor, rather than activate it. It is now believed that black cohosh regulates the hormonal system in the body.

Despite a lack of clear understanding in how black cohosh works, scientists have found that it works very well. One study comparing black cohosh with HRT and valium found that it was just as effective in helping both the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause. A Japanese study also found that black cohosh increased bone mineral density, which makes it very useful in preventing age related osteoporosis.

Black cohosh has been found to help 76 to 93% of women find an improvement with the symptoms of irritability, hot flushes, heart palpitations, depression, headaches, and sleep problems. These women took a standardized extract, twice a day.

Natural Remedies For Menopause - Secret of Youthfulness

Every woman will have to go through stages of her life where changes are inevitable. Probably one of the most unwanted stages is the menopausal stage. Not only does it sound fearful because of the accompanying discomfort of the symptoms but also because these symptoms are, especially when they are most unbearable, signs of a looming old age. The immense changes that happen physically can be very emotionally painful to some women. Who would celebrate the idea of physical symptoms that bring about hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, feeling out of your primetime with the world or harboring the though that your reproductive years are over and very soon, you will feel weak, look old, and be the most unattractive woman.

Whether your menopause is a result of a reproductive illness or simply just part of the normal aging process, there is still hope that you can celebrate entering this stage of womanhood feeling and looking better because of reducing the symptoms. Estrogen replacement may be the solution but women can opt for natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Natural remedies for menopause include just the same basic things that we do to maintain good health. This includes lifestyle changes especially on the food we eat, exercise, and of course food and nutritional supplements or directly including in our diet herbs that are believed to be containing the same essential ingredients that hormonal replacement provides.

Before doing this though, it is always wise to consult a medical professional or your personal doctor regarding natural remedies for menopause. There might be some negative interaction with ongoing medication or just a simple allergy check on the food that are safe to eat. At the end of it, everything comes to its prime and if a woman has reached self actualization at the prime years of her life, there is no way that going through menopause should get in the way of aging gracefully and enjoying those golden years.

Vitamin Supplements to Reduce Menopause Side Effects

Menopause occurs in all women. This is the phase where your estrogen levels decrease so fast that it affects your body psychologically. When you are in 48 to be 52 years old, your ovarian function will decrease and produce fewer hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone. When it happens, you begin to experience discomforting feeling that related with your metabolism, sex, appetite, and sleep pattern.

Your periods will stop and your body will produce to sweat more than before even at night. Other symptoms you may experience are hot flashes, insomnia, joint pains, weight gain, and headaches. This will appear in your body as physical signs. You are also loss your sexual drive and feel dryness in your vagina that lead to difficulties when having sexual intercourse with your husband?

Other signs you may experience in a physiological manner are anxiety, memory problems, mood swings, irritability, and difficulty to concentrate. You can feel one or more those symptoms above. When it happens to you, it is better to enrich your knowledge to menopause. Menopause can affect your physical and psychological as a part of the natural cycle in women's life. You need to manage your life into healthier life. Get rid negative habit like smoking and staying late at night. You may want to improve the quality of your life by doing health diet and regular exercise.

Also, the effect of menopause can be reduced by taking vitamin supplements for perimenopause and menopause. The harm side effect of menopause can be erased or at least reduced. Good supplement regimen contains herbs and vitamin that help a body to deal with the lack of certain hormone like estrogen and progesterone.

The imbalance of this hormone creates discomfort effect in your body, which can be remedied with good supplements. These supplements often contain ingredients that boost metabolism in your body and help its function. It often has basic vitamins that every woman and men needs like vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. In addition, good supplements will have extra dosage of vitamin D, which can eliminate some of the menopause effect.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy - Does it Really Work?

I know, the title sounds a little scary right? It's like imagining a team of medical doctors surrounding you as you lie on a table and they are performing natural hormone replacement therapy. They start to stick tubes in your body and then give you estrogen that comes from the lab. It kinda sounds like a movie from "Frankenstein", but in actuality, this is the best way I could describe hormone replacement therapy.

If that made you feel a little eery, then you should be happy that I have good news for you. There are other replacement therapies that are much safer and no hassle is needed. Also, herbal supplements are becoming the more favorable option for people who are uncomfortable with lab grown hormones being inserted in their bodies.

The soy seed is among the more essential natural supplements. This ingredient contains naturally occurring plant estrogen that can be described loosely as "weaker forms of female estrogen". It addresses estrogen imbalance by attaching these plant estrogens to the body's estrogen receptor sites. Surprisingly, these phytoestrogens can both increase and reduce the levels of estrogen in women. If a woman is in the perimenopausal stage, where there is a surplus of hormones, the soy seed decreases estrogen. In postmenopausal women, it increases them.

It is important to realize that what is being treated is not really the estrogen levels in the woman's body, but the accompanying symptoms that comes from it. I suggest using herbal supplements and not natural hormone replacement therapy because it is safer.

Menopause Hot Flashes: Dealing With Them the Natural Way

During menopause, hot flashes are almost always a given symptom. Over eighty percent of women in the United States can experience them at the onset of menopause. The good news is that these are likely to decrease over time, but at the height of menopause, they can be pretty intense, uncomfortable, annoying, and prove to be a big inconvenience on day-to-day living.

Hormonal changes are mainly responsible for menopause hot flashes. Common indicators of a hot flash include a sudden intense warmth or heat radiating from the face to the neck and chest, usually accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and perspiration. Its duration can be anywhere between two to thirty minutes, with possible recurrences several times in a day. There was a time when hormone replacement therapy (HRT) represented the ultimate solution to keeping these symptoms at bay. However, its cost and the rise of certain types of cancer due to synthetic hormones has made women and physicians alike wary of this kind of treatment.

The best alternative treatment for this menopause symptom is still natural cures and preventive remedies. Through the years, women who have opted for it have discovered them to be safer, affordable, and effective in dealing with menopause symptoms. Consider some of them and weigh their benefits against those of HRT.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? In the case of menopause hot flashes, this adage rings true. While the main causes cannot be halted, avoiding triggers and making wise lifestyle choices are some simple and logical things you can do to minimize this symptom. For starters, think of giving up excessive alcohol drinking, smoking, caffeine, and spicy food as there are sure-fire hot flash triggers. Try your best to avoid going out in hot weather or going for hot showers, saunas, and being in very warm places. Steer clear of stressful situations and other circumstances that can get your temperature rising, as well.

Dress to de-stress. It may sound simplistic, but your choice of clothes can determine the frequency, intensity, and duration of menopause hot flashes. Some clothes to avoid: those with synthetic fabrics such as nylon and polyester, as these won't allow your skin to breathe; turtlenecks and fussy collars; itchy wool sweaters, silky blouses (unsightly and can be ruined when you perspire in them), etc. Go for all-natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and rayon (including underwear) because they are breathable clothes and can absorb sweat. Also, dress in light layers of clothing for unpredictable weather, so you can peel them off one by one when you start feeling the onset of a hot flash. Invest in stylish hand fans which you can carry everywhere for instant cooling down. At bedtime, nix the lacy, silken nightgowns in favor of practical cotton pajamas and tank stops in case of night sweating.

Keep cool with herbal aids. There are actually certain types of plants and herbs to help keep you cool, literally and figuratively. Violet, chickweed, and elderly have been known to keep body temperature consistent. Herbal supplements such as black cohosh, dong quai, and chaste berry are widely used expressly to treat menopause hot flashes. Dong quai helps stabilize blood vessels; chaste berry regulates pituitary function; and black cohosh has been discovered to have estrogenic properties and is therefore used extensively for plenty of hormone-related symptoms.

Addressing menopause hot flashes doesn't have to be an expensive, risky affair. Weigh the pros and cons of natural remedies against traditional hormone replacement therapy, and talk them over at length with your doctor just to be sure.

Menopause Natural Treatment - Using Herbal Remedies to Treat Menopause Symptoms

Finding a menopause natural treatment is not as challenging as it once was. Today, backed by countless studies, women are starting to embrace the fact that herbs and vitamins are a viable and safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy. There are tons of options for you now... herbs are now accepted and embraced as viable options for treating menopause symptoms.

It's time you take charge of your life again. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, anxiety, and depression can all be managed with proper supplementation. Trials show that approximately 80% of women who employ herbal remedies describe there effects as 'good or better'. They are affordable and considerably less dangerous than hormone replacement therapy... Natural treatments are definitely worth a shot.

So what menopause natural treatment is right for you?

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 should be taken according to the directions on the label... it's probably going to be between 30-100 mg. If you are going to go higher than that you should really talk to your doctor about it. It is currently the third most sold supplement in the United States behind regular Multivitamins and fish oil. It's so popular... because it's really good for you! Taking it can be super helpful for menopause symptoms.

Taking Coenzyme Q10 will help support your immune system in the detoxification of a bunch of dangerous substances and toxins. It will also help streamline your metabolism, ease depression and fatigue, increase energy, and improve your physical and mental processes. It's all around really healthy... and should be taken by everyone.

Asiatic DogwoodMany cultures use Asiatic Dogwood to treat menopause symptoms. It is mostly found and cultivated in Asia. Asiatic Dogwood helps your body combat many menopause symptoms... as it is a natural and potent antioxidant with diuretic effects. Asiatic Dogwood also is a great antibacterial and antifungal agent.

When you take Asiatic Dogwood it tends to act as a natural sedative and diuretic. It is important for your production of estrogen and it tends to help with hot flashes.


Rehmannia is another herb that is traditionally used in Asia for its restorative abilities. It is often used in healing bones and restoring muscle and flesh. It has also been found to be super effective in stopping swelling and inflammation. Rehmannia is also very effective in balancing your estrogen levels. These properties make it a great menopause natural treatment to consider taking when battling with menopause symptoms.

Weighing HRT Advantages and Disadvantages

Menopause leaves some women unaffected, but the majority of females who experience it suffer from severe symptoms which they long to get rid of. Eventually, women tend to become interested in considering the advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

This course of treatment has been chosen by many women to control menopause symptoms. Still, some points need to be clear when weighing HRT advantages and disadvantages. While HRT can be a good thing for a large number of women, it can just as easily be a nuisance for others. HRT can increase your risk of getting breast cancer, but at the same time, it is very important to help maintain your bone density and help prevent certain types of heart disease. In adding it all up, it may deliver too many side affects which can have a negative effect on a woman's life.

Menopausal symptoms are the product of the cessation of estrogen production. Therefore, a lot of women opt to replace the lost estrogen through HRT in order to decrease these symptoms. Yet the effects of hormone replacement are uncertain in the long run, and many women are unsure of whether this is a good option for them.

There are two sides to the debate on hormone replacement therapy. It has been proven that HRT is a credible solution in helping to minimize symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, and vaginal dryness. Yet there are those who believe that women who do not exhibit any symptoms of menopause experience decreased physical performance and reduced energy levels when using HRT.

Due to concern over risks of developing cancer, many women choose not to use HRT. Often, they opt to take other steps to lessen their risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. In the meantime, studies are ongoing to verify the usefulness of hormone replacement therapy over a long period of time.

Once taking into consideration HRT advantages and disadvantages, many women and their doctors agree that HRT's helpful effects on cardiovascular illness, osteoporosis, and overall quality of life offset the danger of developing cancer. But others are worried about the negative effects that long-term use of HRT might have. These women deliberately work to improve their coronary health and strengthen their bones by keeping physically active, selecting foods wisely, not smoking, and using nutritional supplements or remedies.

Once you have studied the advantages and disadvantages of HRT, finally it is only you who can decide whether to go for HRT or not. Hormone replacement therapy has been linked to reports of health dangers in the last several years. If you have been given a prescription by your doctor, you might decide instead to use an alternative form of treatment, such as utilizing a natural type of estrogen. A natural approach that includes a healthy diet, stress management, and natural progesterone supplementation will alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopause symptoms, and may even get rid of them entirely.

Natural Progesterone and Estrogen as an Alternative to HRT

A Dec. 30, 2003 Associated Press article stated that about one quarter of women who stopped taking hormone replacement therapy because of its risks wind up resuming HRT because of menopause misery.

This article verifies what we have been saying all along; "No treatment is NOT an option." Women need an alternative treatment to hormone replacement therapy. Otherwise, their lives can be quite miserable.

Almost daily we receive an email, phone call or forum post from a cranky, depressed, sleep-deprived and/or over-heated woman in a desperate search for something - anything - that will put the brakes on menopause symptoms without the use of synthetic hormone replacement therapy.

We not only advocate staying away from synthetic hormone replacement therapy, we advocate finding healthy, effective alternative treatment options to hormone replacement therapy. We advocate bringing your hormones in balance by using estrogen-building nutritional support and progesterone cream treatment as an alternative for hormone replacement therapy. In this newsletter we provide a step-by-step guide to getting off hormone replacement therapy without making your life miserable. This plan as outlined is near foolproof. Of course, you should discuss medication alternatives with your regular health care provider.

In the first month you will begin to slowly wean yourself off synthetic hormones while introducing the hormone replacement therapy replacements. The purpose behind slowly tapering off hormone replacement therapy is two-fold. First, you can avoid drug withdraw by taking the slow approach. Second, slowly weaning yourself off hormone replacement therapy provides the necessary time for the alternatives to take hold. It typically takes a month or two for the natural alternative elements to solidly work through your body.

Below the following schedule is a description of each product listed:

Month 1:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half. You can do this by requesting a new prescription from your physician or by physically cutting the pills in half.

  • Begin using an organic, natural, USP progesterone cream like Return to Eden progesterone cream.

  • Begin using a nutritional menopause support product like Preserve.

Month 2:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half again. Again, you can either request a new prescription or cut the pills in half yourself.

  • Continue your new regime of menopause nutritional support products and progesterone cream.

Month 3:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half again or stop altogether.

  • Continue taking menopause nutritional suport products and natural progesterone cream.

Month 4:

  • If you still experience menopause symptoms, begin taking the Return to Eden estrogen cream. Although most women find that their menopause symptoms are adequately addressed with progesterone cream and nutritional support, this option usually knocks out any remaining menopause symptoms in women who do need supplemental estrogen. Using a natural estrogen cream like Return to Eden's Triest cream is safe and effective because the estrogen is bioidentical to what a woman's body naturally makes. You will use the estrogen alongside the progesterone for balance and to avoid estrogen dominance.

For an in-depth view of the benefits of natural progesterone, read "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone" by the late John R. Lee, M.D., an international authority and pioneer in the use of natural progesterone cream and natural hormone balance.

Diet and exercise also play an incredible crucial role in how well your body fares through the changes of menopause.

Menopause and Yeast Infections - Tips And Advice In Treating Them

Menopause and yeast infections appear to be synonymous. Along with the hot flashes, mood changes and other problems associated with menopause, vaginal dryness is yet another symptom women have to contend with. Let's explore how vaginal dryness can increase the risk of yeast infection.

The medical term for any infection of the vaginal tract is called vaginitis. The symptoms are very similar to yeast infections in that they include: itching, burning or painful during urination and/or sexual intercourse. One of the most common conditions associated with vaginitis is a yeast infection.

As debilitating as yeast infections can be, it is important to use preventative methods to ensure you do not become a candidate for this condition, especially during menopause. One of the contributory factors is having sex with multiple partners. In addition, the use of foams or jellies or other birth control items can cause infections as well. Try to limit your use of sprays or products that are not natural. Soap and water is the best method to wash your vaginal area.

Due to the fact that bacteria is the catalyst which aids in removing fungus from the genital area, it is important to avoid consistent use of antibiotic medications since they tend to kill the healthy bacteria which is needed. Wear cotton instead of nylon. Nylon does not allow for air circulation, but keeps the moisture in. It is also recommended to use proper hygiene practices when wiping your genital area. Always wipe from front to back, thus decreasing the changes of spreading bacteria from back to front.

Other ways in which you can assist in the dissipation of a yeast infection is to avoid intercourse for a time; take cold baths to relieve the itching; never douche, as you would be washing away the necessary bacteria needed to fight the fungus; and if necessary, use a vaginal cream. More importantly, however, seek advice from your doctor to determine the extent to which the yeast infection can be treated.

While we all experience menopause and its affects; yeast infections can be avoided if using proper hygiene habits. Whether using home remedies or conventional medications, at some point you may have to receive medical intervention of the condition does not go away or if it becomes chronic. Although many espouse the use of oils, creams, and other products; it is up to you to research this condition and find an effective method to treat it whether or not you seek medical advice.

You may also wish to research many of the holistic treatments available. For thousands of years, the use of holistic care in treating certain conditions was widely accepted. Perhaps you will discover it is a good alternative to this irritating and often nasty condition.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Menopause Sweating - How to Cure Menopause Sweating Naturally

It really is no joke to break out into a sweat when you're feeling tense and stressed out. In a similar manner, the sweat outbreak that results from menopause is no laughing matter. Menopause Sweating is a serious concern among women aged 45 and up.

What triggers Menopausal Sweating

Once the menstrual cycle stops, a woman goes through a series of body changes. Stress and sweat still work together in a continuous cycle, but now they interact for the worse. The sweat attacks that menopausal women suffer can either manifest as hot flashes or cold sweats. Hot flashes can even be accompanied by night sweats.

These symptoms are not only uncomfortable. They are also disturbing and distressing for someone who is going through enough hormonal changes as it is.

How to Cure Menopausal Sweating

Many women would be glad to know that sweating during menopause can be cured and lessened naturally. Naturally there will be some do's and don'ts, so here they are:

1. Do abstain from alcohol and other hard drinks completely. They warm up your body and cause you to sweat.
2. Do avoid caffeine in your coffee and go for the decaffeinated type. Caffeine-related products trigger night sweats that cause you more discomfort.
3. Do lessen your intake of food and drinks which would raise your blood sugar. A high level of sugar in your blood would trigger episodes of menopausal night sweats.
4. Don't indulge in hot and spicy foods. They heat up your body and cause you to break out into uncontrollable sweating.
5. Don't consume salty and artificially processed foods as well as fatty and deep-fried dishes. They will only get in the way of your metabolism and make your sweating irregular.

A woman's internal makeup becomes a little more erratic, and a lot of changes happen with the onset of menopause. As one of these changes, Menopausal Sweating can be remedied naturally. Just a few minor changes in your lifestyle and diet can make that significant difference.

The Good News About Endometriosis After Menopause

Menopause is a time of life that most women dread, but if you're an endometriosis sufferer, menopause may be the break you've been waiting for. Why? Menopause is a normal part of aging that virtually every woman experiences. It is the time when estrogen levels drop and the ovaries no longer produce eggs. As a result, a woman no longer has a menstruation cycle due to the natural cessation of ovarian function. Menopause is the end of a woman's reproductive cycle.

Menopause usually occurs naturally for most women when they are in their late 40's or early 50's. However, some women may be pushed suddenly into menopause at any age if they have their ovaries removed, or take certain types of chemotherapies for cancer treatment.

Although menopause has its own host of unpleasant symptoms that a woman is forced to deal with as her body adapts to change, it has been known to have one positive side effect for endometriosis sufferers - It often puts an end to painful endometriosis symptoms.

To help you fully understand the positive influence menopause has on endometriosis, the following are some answers to common questions regarding the issue:

How does menopause improve endometriosis symptoms?

The hormone estrogen is no longer produced during menopause. Estrogen is what stimulates endometriosis growth. Thus, most women no longer feel pain, as the endometrial tissue no longer grows or breaks down because the menses cycle has ceased.

Does menopause cure endometriosis?

No, you need to understand that menopause does not cure endometriosis. However, for most women, it seems to put it in an eternal state of sleep. Nevertheless, symptoms of endometriosis can still occur at any time, even though for most women not taking hormone replacement therapy this is rare.

Can endometriosis symptoms still occur after menopause?

Yes. For some women, especially those who have a severe case of endometriosis and experienced strong symptoms prior to the stop of their cycle, endometriosis can still persist after menopause, especially if a woman has scar tissue. Often the reason why endometriosis persists is due to hormone replacement therapy that provides the body with estrogen, which is taken by women to help with menopausal symptoms.

Is hormone therapy necessary for menopause?

No. However, some women who go through menopause take hormone replacement therapy to help prevent and treat osteoporosis. Estrogen plays an important role in building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. Lack of estrogen causes cells that build bone to become less active, which increases the risk of bone loss.

Aside from keeping bones healthy, estrogen also plays a big role in keeping the vagina moist, helping it to guard against infection. Thus, many women take estrogen hormone replacement therapy for these reasons. Unfortunately, estrogen stimulates the growth of endometrial implants, which can lead to a recurrence in painful symptoms.

There are different ways you can help treat your menopausal symptoms caused by lack of estrogen without dramatically increasing your risk of reactivating endometriosis symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your condition. He or she may be able to provide you with treatment that limits the amount of estrogen you give back to your body, or they may be able to prescribe you creams or other treatments to help with vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms.

Vaginal Dryness During Menopause - Causes and Remedies

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms and also a side effect of menopause. Women may suffer from this in pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause phase of their life. The hormonal imbalance in the body of a menopausal woman causes lack of estrogen, a vital hormone which maintains elasticity of vaginal lining by keeping it moist, to promote vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy.

The problem of vaginal dryness may seem petty but it can be very harsh on relationship with male partner. Initially vaginal dryness causes some itching or pain during or after sex but this keeps on increasing to even cause scars and cuts in the vagina to make the sex very painful. Even if problem is not aggravated the reduced pleasure and fun in lovemaking act does not work well for healthy relationship. Some women are unable to perform in the bed completely. Lack of estrogen in the body of menopausal women also causes thinning of vagina which makes the walls of vagina weak and prone to yeast and bacterial infections. Women facing vaginal dryness during menopause may also start experiencing pain in pelvic region as the blood circulation decreases due to lack of estrogen in the body to promote further problems and discomfort.

Due to severe yeast or bacterial infection in the vagina women may have white vaginal discharge which is odorous and painful. Due to growing weakness in the muscles and walls of vagina due to vaginal dryness, problem of incontinence may also creep up and woman may not be able to control her urine and pass out few drops while laughing, coughing or sneezing. All of these problems can make any woman's life difficult and for working women such problems can be very depressing and debilitating.

However there are many treatments to overcome this problem. If a woman start feeling burning sensation in the vagina during penetration or after lovemaking in her pre-menopausal phase can start taking precautions to avoid further complications of vaginal dryness. Doctors suggest more frequent sex to avoid vaginal dryness during menopause, to stimulate mucous glands at the base of uterus to produce more mucous and keep vaginal walls moist and lubricated. Use of water based lubricants to avoid discomfort is also recommended which can help easy movement of male sex organ in the vagina without causing any damage to the vaginal walls. Ensuring sufficient amount of water intake will help greatly.

If level of estrogen hormone in the body keeps on decreasing and dryness is not alleviated by frequent sex and artificial lubricants then there are many herbs which can be of great help. Black cohosh, chaste berry, maca, damiana, licorice, gingko biloba are few herbs which are used as treatment to treat dryness during menopause. These herbs are available as supplements in the form of capsules and powders and can be used in organic form too, whichever way is convenient. However self medication shall be avoided as few of these herbs are very powerful and their dosage should be worked by an expert before use. Ensure sufficient rest and sleep during menopause to keep stress and anxiety at bay which also works well to alleviate vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause.

Menopause Symptoms and Treatment

Before menopause one undergoes perimenopause and at this stage the ovaries will decreasingly reduce production of estrogen. The perimenopause can last for as long as ten years even though averagely it should stay for about 4 years. At perimenopause, the woman will experience the symptoms and a sign just like it is in real menopause. These symptoms include hot flashes and irregular menstrual periods.

The following are some of the menopause symptoms and treatments:

  • First of all if you miss your menstrual flow for about an year then you might be in the menopause period

  • Before menopause, one experiences a decrease in fertility

  • There are also cases of hot flashes and trouble sleeping

  • An increase in fat around the abdomen of the woman

  • There is also an increased premenstrual pattern symptoms

  • Breast tenderness is also a sign and symptom of entering menopause

  • The vagina becomes dry even if you are not having an infection and is using lubricants

  • A decreased interest in sex and eruption of moodiness and mood swings

  • Urine leakage and urgency for urinating whenever the feeling is felt at first

  • There is a baldness cases or hair thinning in women during the menopause stage.

The mentioned are symptoms of menopause and it is not that when a single symptom is felt then someone is entering menopause. But if the age is from 45-55 and the above mentioned signs are experienced that is a sure way of confirming that menopause is knocking at the door

It is important that menopause symptoms and treatments are known and well underlined. But it should also be noted that the process is a natural aging process but even some medical treatments can trigger an early menopause. Chemotherapy and radiation therapies can trigger early menopause just like an early ovarian failure can do that. Hysterectomy is also a permanent menopause surgical procedure that involves removing of uterus due to a complication

Then following are menopause symptoms and treatments in cases of a premature menopause:

· Hormone replacement therapy is the process of providing the body with extra estrogen and progestin for the inhibition of menopause

· The best way however of dealing with menopause symptoms and treatments is the use of natural remedies such as eating a well balanced meal and having healthy lifestyle which entails avoiding alcohol and smoking

· Increase your calcium and vitamin D as it reduces chances of osteoporosis