Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One of the Best Natural Remedies For Cancer

The food you eat is one of the best natural remedies for cancer. Whether you are trying to prevent cancer or are being treated for cancer, your diet will influence the direction of your health. You will want to include some of the top cancer fighting foods in your diet. Tomatoes are an excellent food that helps prevent lung, cervix, throat and prostate cancer. It is high in Vitamin C and contains the flavonoid lycopene known to fight cancer. Blueberries are another food that is a natural remedy for preventing cancer. Studies have shown that the rich pigment helps to prevent or cure cancer. It is rich in antioxidants so it helps prevent aging too.

Eating raw red cabbage and cooked beets will add another natural cancer fighting food to your diet. They are rich in calcium and in anti-cancer flavonoids. Red beets have the most flavonoids so don't be surprised if your urine turns red when you eat beets. Spinach is another food that fights cancer. It is a rich source of vitamin C and beta carotene, both antioxidants. Studies have shown that people who eat at least two or more servings of spinach per week have a lower breast and lung cancer rate.

Garlic is also one of the best natural remedies against cancer. The sulfur compound that gives it a strong flavor has been shown to neutralize carcinogens and even slow tumor growth. Including these items in your diet will provide some natural remedies that help to prevent and fight cancer at the same time.

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