Thursday, August 15, 2013

Menopause Treatment: Is It Necessary?

A lot of women wonder if menopause treatment is really necessary. After all, menopause is a natural thing. Do you need to pop pills, go through hormone replacement therapy, or search our natural remedies for treatment?

Most women do not need any type of treatment unless menopause symptoms are causing discomfort or interfering with your daily activities. In most causes when a medical treatment is discussed, we think of it like the road to a cure. Once your body enters menopause, there is no reversing the changes your body undergoes. Menopause treatment is a way of managing bothersome symptoms.

You can seek out the professional opinion of your doctor if feel you need symptom management. One management method to discuss is something called hormone replacement therapy. There are ups and downs to this therapy, as there are with any management method. Discussing your symptoms, what discomfort needs to be managed, and the options available to you with your doctor will be helpful.

If you are interested in natural management methods, here are some menopause treatment suggestions that you might find useful:

繚 Hot flashes are one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Avoid the things that trigger hot flashes such as spicy foods, caffeine, stress, alcohol, or being in hot areas. You can dress in layers and remove them when feeling a hot flash begin. Keep a fan handy at home or work. During a hot flash, take slow and deep breaths.

繚 Vaginal dryness is another uncomfortable and common symptom. It can make intercourse very uncomfortable, even painful. Try using a water-based, over-the-counter vaginal lubricant such as K-Y Jelly. Over-the-counter vaginal moisturizers can be helpful for replenishing moisture in the vaginal area.

繚 Mood swings are one of the most common reasons women seek menopause treatment. Try treating this symptom by getting enough sleep and keeping yourself physically active. Speak with your doctor about your mood swings openly to see if you may be suffering from depression. Consider talking to a therapist or joining a support group.

As you can see, there are many different management methods available, from medical to natural. You are sure to find one that is best for you!

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