For many centuries, before the influx of pharmaceutical drugs, woman aligned with menopause and the natural aging process and supported themselves with natural medicine. Only recently, and in the west, is menopause seen as an illness that needs to be managed with strong drugs.
Sure some of the symptoms can be uncomfortable, but if you change your approach to it, menopause can be an enlightened and beautiful time in a woman's life. Ayurveda, "the science of life", offers many pleasant treatment therapies to support you through this time and also offers therapies that are specific to your body type.
Depending on your individual constitution, (dosha) you can choose essential oils to manage any uncomfortable symptoms while they also restore complete balance and harmony, getting to the root of the problem. Ayurveda 's approach is to correct the problem, not just mask the symptom.
Many cultures don't even have a word for menopause and most woman in these cultures don't experience any sudden symptoms or distressing changes, some often experiencing a normal menstrual cycle until age 65. Most likely the symptoms that are predominant in the west are the result of an aggravated constitution, compounded by stress and poor nutrition.
For vata types, I recommend warming, heating, emmenagogue and rejuvenative herbs, female hormone stimulating essential oils, and a vata-pacifying lifestyle and regime.
This is a wonderful time for a woman to reconnect with her feminine powers and the Divine Mother within. Five of my favorite essential oils for restoring balance to vata types during menopause are:
1). Jatamansi, (Spikenard): can be progesterone stimulating, good for aging skin, and is grounding and relaxing.
2). Rose: helps with irregular menstruation, migraine headaches, detoxification of the liver, and encourages patience and love.
3). Clary Sage: has rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, ant-depressant and female immune-boosting qualities, while it builds tissues in the uterus and is excellent for relieving uterine cramps..
4). Ginger: has warming qualities, is grounding and calming, helps with dizziness, is strengthening, helps to increase energy levels, regulates moisture.
5). Dhavana: decreases anxiety and fear, balances the female immune system, and is good for preventing cysts.
These are just a few of the many powerful and effective essentials oils that can be used therapeutically, along with an ayurvedic regimen to have you sailing through life and menopause feeling strong, balanced and full of vitality.
Thanks for sharing this helpful article. With the treatment of Ayurvedic medicines it will surely help in controlling irregular menstrual cycles and female infertility to some ayurvedic medicines are safe and they don’t cause adverse side reactions. When my friend started having this issue she took help of this medicine : M2 tone tablet It is highly effective and I would recommend it to all those who are suffering from this issue.