Is Herbal Treatment for Menopause really effective? What a downright silly question to ask. Is your body a natural product? Yes it is so why wouldn't you use something natural to treat your body? If you have realized that you are going through "the change", do you seek council from your doctor, do you talk with your mother, do you talk with your friends or do you consult with an herbalist?
Hopefully you will do all four including research on your own. Your body is unique only to you and only you know how you feel and how certain things react after you ingest them. Herbs have been used for centuries for a number of ailments including menopause; in fact, the pharmaceutical companies didn't exist until the 19th century.
When you are searching for answers and are inquiring about the Herbal Treatment for Menopause, you will probably be given a number of different responses. The answer will be based on that person's perception and knowledge of menopause. You want to take everything you learn and then formulate your own opinion and then move forward from that point.
There are a number of herbs that will alleviate various menopausal symptoms that you can use. It is a good idea to think about what symptoms are bothering you the most and begin there. You certainly don't want to overload your system right away. Your body is going through a natural process and you want to keep it functioning as "normal" as possible. What are some of the herbs you can use as part of your Herbal Treatment for Menopause?
繚 Aloe Vera
繚 Black Cohosh
繚 Chasteberry
繚 Dong Quai
繚 Evening Primrose
繚 Ginseng
繚 Isoflavones and Soy
繚 St. John's Wart
繚 Vitamins A, C and E
Before taking any of the herbs/supplements noted above, it is best to understand more about the herb and what amounts would be best for you; at least to start out with. When you first begin taking an herb, give it some time and if it's not producing results find another and give that one a try. The herbs won't hurt your body as they are natural, but you do want to ensure that you take only the recommended dosages.
Black Cohosh is a common herb that is used in Herbal Treatment for Menopause. Black Cohosh will help with multiple menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes. The recommended dosage can be 20mg to 60mg 3 times a day. This herb is considered a phytoestrogen and may not always work as well with women who have had surgical menopause.
Isoflavones and soy are plant estrogens can help with night sweats and hot flashes in the short term. For long term, may help with cholesterol and the woman's bones; however, these may have a negative effect if large amounts are taken that estrogen levels are further affected and have influence on breast cancer.
If you are dealing with mild/moderate depression which many of us do during this time of our lives, St. John's Wort can help for short term (about 2 years) if the daily dosage is 1.2mg per day. If you do take this herb, be sure to cover up when in the sun as the skin's sensitivity increases and it could interfere with antidepressants prescribed by your doctor. For this reason, it is a good idea to discuss taking herbal supplements with your doctor or other specialist first.
Reaching your 40's and entering into the menopause stage may bring about a number in changes in your body that you don't like. Don't despair because these issues can be resolved safely and effectively and one way to do this is through an Herbal Treatment for Menopause.
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