Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Loss of Libido During Peri-Menopause: Get Your Sex Drive Back Naturally

Loss of libido or low sex drive may affect up to 40 percent of women and is actually very common during peri-menopause. For a woman who is experiencing a lack of sexual desire during peri-menopause, this article may set her mind at ease in knowing that she may be helped and that she is not alone. By understanding what her body is going through, this article may offer some natural solutions. It is very important for a woman to understand an open, honest dialogue with her partner may help. Other signs and symptoms of menopause are vaginal dryness as well as irritation. These symptoms maybe linked to loss of libido.

The Cause of Low Sex Drive
Like most menopausal symptoms, a lack of sexual desire is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. A reduction in the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone may be responsible for a reduction of a woman's sexual drive as well as loss of energy. Other factors may also be responsible for this common symptom of peri-menopause. There may be a physical cause such as sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness or a hysterectomy. A psychological cause may be from stress or concerns about growing older. It may be that relationship problems, such as a lack of any meaningful intimate communication may contribute to or exacerbate the situation.

How to treat low sex drive naturally is a personal choice. Loss of libido may be treated with various methods. Lifestyle changes including diet as well as exercise may help, not only for loss of libido, but also for anxiety and stress as well.

Recommended Treatments:

  • Bio-identical Hormone-Natural Progesterone Cream

  • Acupuncture

  • Herbal Remedies

Recommended Foods:

  • Kidney beans, liver, red meat and oysters (zinc)

  • Buckwheat, almonds, leafy greens (magnesium)

  • Dairy, nut, fish (protein)

  • Soy milk, tofu (soy products for vegetarians)

Recommended Exercises:

  • Yoga for relaxation and flexibility

  • Kegel exercises strengthen the vaginal muscles

  • Aerobics for circulation and heart health

  • Stretching for stress relief, relaxation and improved muscle tone

Boost your libido with Progesterone

Progesterone is an important hormone in maintaining the sexual health of a woman. The levels of progesterone significantly decline, as women transition into menopause. This decline of hormones causes fatigue, irregular periods and other symptoms of menopause. Loss of libido or low sex drive is probably the most difficult symptom for a woman to deal with during her change of life. An unpleasant drawback is it may cause relationship problems, unless each partner understands the cause may be a decline of progesterone. Bio-identical natural progesterone is the choice for many women and men. The woman's partner may feel rejected. The woman may feel unattractive and withdraw. Talking to each other and discussing anxieties and fears may ease the emotional side effects. Counseling may be beneficial to both partners.

Natural Ways For Treating Low Libido or Loss of Libido

Three approaches should be considered when treating low libido or loss of libido. These are lifestyle changes, natural progesterone cream or drug therapy. Naturopathic doctors recommend a stepladder approach to all health issues. It is always recommended to start with the safest option before progressing to the next level of treatment. Lifestyle changes involve minimal risk but a lot of self-discipline. Simple lifestyle changes have been proven to improve your health. Treatments such as herbal remedies, natural progesterone cream along with diet and exercise, is the safest initial approach before using prescription drugs. Always start with one safe natural treatment and see how effective it is before you use HRT drug therapy. An alternative approach involves no risk and a very effective way in treating lack of sex drive. It might involve a few different therapies.

A popular approach is herbal remedies and bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical Natural Progesterone Cream with Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry is very popular with health care professional and is used by women of all ages. Alternative remedies may be effective, safer than drugs and a valuable option. A natural progesterone cream is the only practical option for treating a hormonal imbalance right at its own source. Natural progesterone cream is the only natural remedy that addresses the cause of hormone imbalance. The source of hormone imbalance is the ratio of estrogen to progesterone and the general decline of all hormones.

Hormone estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), is another option for women who are suffering with a low sex drive. There are certain risks involve with estrogen hormone replacement therapy such as an increased chance for developing certain cancers in women. Now, there are clinically proven options for HRT that are safe and effective. Natural progesterone cream is a bio-identical hormone cream that gently balances hormones and provides relief from many menopause symptoms including loss of libido. A woman does not have to feel that a low sex Drive and loss of libido is a problem that is going to stay with her for the rest of her life. By understanding that this is actually a very normal condition that happens in every woman's life, she may relax in the knowledge that she has help and options. The milestone stages of ever women's life begin with the start of her menstruation, childbearing years, perimenopausal years and they end with Menopause. Each stage needs to be embraced and empowered. Natural progesterone cream helps women restore their natural balance and restore their libido, increase desire and increase happiness.

This is for education only. It is not intended to treat, prevent or cure a medical disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult a health care professional.

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