Thursday, June 27, 2013

Relief From Fibroids Naturally - Safe & Effective Home Remedies For Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Treatment for uterine fibroid tumors is normally not necessary. However treatment becomes essential if

a)your symptoms are severe

b)you wish to have children in future.

Fibroids are a common problem that many women face. Fibroids are benign or non cancerous growths which can occur on the walls of the uterus or the cervix. Usually this develops in women who are in their late thirties or early forties.

Fibroids can cause frequent and heavy menstrual periods and bleeding in between periods. The excessive blood loss can result in anemia, weakness and fatigue. There are various options of treatment for uterine fibroids. In cases where the fibroids do not cause any problems or discomfort treatment is generally not needed. This is because fibroids tend to shrink on its own with the onset of menopause.

A healthy diet and exercise by itself will not shrink your fibroids. However it will definitely provide you relief from some of the symptoms of fibroids. Diet and lifestyle changes form an integral part of any natural plan of uterine fibroid treatment.

What should a typical fibroid diet comprise of?

Consume a fiber rich diet which is low in animal fats and fried foods. Prunes, pears, figs and apples are fruits which you can include in your diet. Substitute refined flour products with whole wheat breads and pasta. Oats can also be included in your intake since it has high fiber content. Broccoli, spinach, onion and garlic are particularly useful in treatment for uterine fibroids as they help in regulating estrogen levels.

Stay away from or reduce consumption of sugar, alcohol and saturated fats. These foods tend to make it difficult for the body to regulate the hormonal balance.

In addition to your dietary changes, follow a regular exercise routine. Excess estrogen which is the common cause of fibroids is usually due to excess body weight. By exercising regularly you will be able to maintain your ideal body weight. Moderate form of physical exercise also ensures regular ovulation. Irregular ovulation can worsen your fibroids and its symptoms.

Fibroids are caused to due multiple factors. Hence using a comprehensive plan which aims to eliminate each and every cause in a systematic manner is the best option of treatment for uterine fibroids. Natural uterine fibroid treatment methods combine diet alterations, lifestyle changes and herbal medication to treat fibroids. I got rid of my fibroid with the help of one such natural plan developed by an alternate practitioner. Although the plan took some time to produce results, it gave me permanent relief from fibroids naturally.

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