Friday, June 21, 2013

Post Menopause Vaginal Dryness - How to Treat it Without Further Complications

Wondering what life will be like post menopause? Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms. But it's not something you need to live with. Many women find relief using simple remedies. Will you be one of them??

Vaginal dryness afflicts nearly 80% of women after menopause. This may not seem like a serious problem, but if you are in a relationship, it can be. This can definitely interfere with your sex life. It makes sex in the least uncomfortable. And if you let this condition go, it can progress into vaginal atrophy. This is where the lining of your vagina thins to the point that sex becomes impossible without bleeding.?Fortunately, this is an easily preventable condition.?

You basically have two methods of treatment of vaginal dryness. First are over the counter lubricants. These will ease the symptom, but does not treat the cause. You can still develop vaginal atrophy while using these. To actually treat this, you need something a little stronger.?

The cause of vaginal dryness and eventual atrophy is the lower levels of estrogen. So if you talk to your doctor, you can start on a course of low dose estrogen therapy. However, this is not without its side effects. But you do have another option.?

Many women have found relief using natural remedies. Certain plants contain what are known as phyto estrogens.? These are plant-based compounds that closely mimics the body's own supply of estrogen. Some say that it is a better option than artificial hormones. You can find these in plants such as soy and other legumes.?

Post menopause vaginal dryness should not be something you have to deal with. By using natural or artificial means of estrogen replacement, you can get your old sex life back.?

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