Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tips For Delaying Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is an inevitable phase of a woman's lifecycle, a period where they undergo a sea of emotional as well as physical changes. This phase signifies the end of the fertility period as hormonal changes cause the ovaries to discontinue producing eggs due to which menstruation ceases. The average women experiences menopause after crossing the age of 50 but it isn't uncommon to see women aged between 35-40 years suffering from menopause symptoms.

No woman looks forward to menopause because it is period where you experience tremendous mood swings, anxiety, irritability, loss in sex drive and host of other problems. Additionally, following menopause, a female loses her reproductive ability which means that she can no longer have children. This is the reason why most women hope that menopause occurs to them as late as possible. And though you can't prevent menopause, it is very much possible to delay the symptoms provided that you incorporate a few lifestyle changes. In this article, we give you tips for delaying menopause symptoms.

Avoid smoking as smoking women are more susceptible to an early menopause. It has been found that women who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day are 40 percent are more likely to get an early menopause than non smokers. Studies reveal that nicotine acts on the central nervous system and causes it to secrete hormones that are involved with menopause. So if you are a smoker, then it is about to time to kick the butt.

The second tip is to follow a balanced diet. Menopause is most likely to occur when the estrogen levels in the body drop drastically, so in order to prevent this from happening, eat foods that boost estrogen levels. In this regard, foods such as soy and whole grains can help as they are rich in estrogen while herbs such as dong quai and black kohosh too have been known to postpone menopause symptoms.

One other way to boost estrogen levels is by taking Vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that acts as estrogen substitute and supplements of these can boost estrogen levels. However consult with your doctor before taking these so that you are saved the side effect risks.

Lead an active lifestyle. It is important that you exercise everyday as regular exercise keeps the blood flowing and plus boosts the body's hormone production naturally. This can go a long way in delaying menopause.

However a word of note here, all of these methods may help you to delay menopause but ultimately you will have to face the symptoms. So be headstrong and think of it as a passing phase that occurs just once and you will surely be able to get over it.

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