Monday, September 2, 2013

Information on Menopause in Thai

The amount of information that is available on menopause on the internet is phenomenal.
Many web sites will offer you the choice of language in which you want to view the site.
This includes Thai. Some sites will actually have their materials available in two languages such as Thai or English. Menopause for Thai women occurs in much the same way as for women all over the world. The information provided below is in English but can also be found in Thai.

Symptoms of Menopause

*Information about menopausal symptoms in women is virtually the same as any other sites or countries.*

Menopause is the end of a woman's period and fertility. Estrogen production as well as progesterone production is low during menopause. The symptoms that may occur include hot flashes and night sweats, headaches, sleeplessness, erratic moods, and vaginal dryness. Your sex drive may drop and intercourse may become uncomfortable.

Sexual problems for men over 50 are not as uncommon as one might think. Problems with erections may occur. A man should be evaluated to be sure that something more is not causing the problem. Most men can be helped.

It is highly recommended that you go to a women's health center, physician or a nurse practitioner for advice and support. A variety of treatments will be presented for your consideration. You and your medical professional can decide together which of these treatments might best meet your individual needs.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a popular treatment. It is very effective but its use may have some serious risks to the patient. There is an increased occurrence of breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers, especially for those women who take it more than 5 years. Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

An herbal product used in Thailand is derived from the White Kwao Krua plant. This plant is very high in phytoestrogens-naturally occurring plant estrogens. It is used to help relieve menopausal symptoms. It helps to balance hormone levels in both men and women. There are other herbs specific to Thailand that may also benefit menopausal symptoms

Herbs used in the United States may include Black Cohosh, Red Clover, and Dong Quai to name just a few. Herbal supplements of the highest quality are made with standardized herbal extracts. They are tested extensively including the interaction of the ingredients and the metabolic path of the ingredients at the molecular level.

They are manufactured to meet pharmaceutical grade standards. This is to guarantee the consumer that they are getting the same quality not only from capsule to capsule but from bottle to bottle. The safety, purity, and effectiveness are guaranteed as well. Do not add anything to your regimen without talking to your doctor. Some herbs may affect the performance of prescription drugs you may be taking for other conditions.


It must be noted that although the information contained in this article is English. It did come however from a translated version of an article written in Thai. To obtain information in Thai (or any language) go to your search engine and type in Thai Menopause; you will get a long list of sites.

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