Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ways to Deal With Menopause Naturally

Nature has its way to deal with menopause. There are certain occasions that a woman who is in this stage of her life does not respond well to medical treatment in alleviating the symptoms. The best alternative way is to treat it with nature's help.

Studies show that one of the most typical symptoms of menopause that afflicts 80% of women is hot flashes. It's that sudden, extreme, hot feeling on the face and body usually accompanied by a feeling of lethargy, headache, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, insomnia and intense perspiration. A woman who is experiencing hot flashes may sweat profusely with flushed cheeks even under a cold temperature.

Hot flashes are one of the early warning signs that menopause is about to come to a woman. The symptom may go on for several years and is brought by the hormonal imbalance in menopause, and is very evident during the first two years of menopause. Episodes of hot flashes can last from a few seconds to an hour and usually between 6 to 8 in the morning and six to ten in the evening.

Although hot flashes in a menopausal woman are generally mild to moderate, there are women who experience extreme flashes. In this instance, they are forced to seek medical help to alleviate the condition. Ordinarily, an obstetric gynecologist will prescribe a drug to remedy the condition, but some women do not respond well to the drug. And so, the symptoms persist.

This is where Mother Nature comes in. To ease the uncomfortable and distressing feeling of hot flashes during menopause, a woman should take foods that are rich in phytoestrogens, or more commonly referred to as 'dietary estrogens'. Foods belonging to this group of non-steroidal plants include soy beans, tofu, oats, wheat, berries, dried beans, lentil, rice, apples, carrots, beer, fennel, and ginseng among others. These foods are quickly absorbed by the body and excreted in the urine.

The phytoestrogens foods do not only help ease hot flashes but also have some beneficial and protective effects against hormonal-related cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis. These foods can also be useful in treating other symptoms of menopause such as depression, anxiety, dryness of the vagina, and loss of sex appetite.

There are also some foods to avoid as they are triggering hot flashes. These are coffee and other drinks with caffeine, chocolate, hot and spicy food, alcoholic beverages. It will be wise to stay away from these food as much as possible while in the menopausal stage.

Herbal medicines can serve as a good alternative to treating the symptoms of menopause. Clinical studies have shown that black cohosh root (Cimicifuga Racemosa) can soothe hot flashes, vaginal dehydration, and insomnia or sleep disturbances. To regulate excessive bleeding during the menopausal stage, a Chinese herb, dong quai (Angelica Sinensis), is effective. To enhance sleep, a castor oil pack over the liver area may prove to be beneficial.

You see, it is in a woman's nature that she will undergo the stage of menopause and experience its symptoms; but nature will also provide the means to ease her condition and take the pressure off her.

This is the way to deal with menopause, naturally.

1 comment:

  1. I like most your comment. Nowadays menopause problem is increasing and becoming a big concern. I have an information to treat it as naturally on the link below:
