Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Relieving Menopause Anxiety And Depression

A woman goes through many life-altering changes with her body and one of those is menopause. Menopause occurs during the later years of a women's life, usually after forty, but before seventy. There are many reasons you may experience menopause at a certain age that may be linked to genetics. Once you start experiencing menopause you will have a myriad of symptoms to battle with natural or medicinal remedies. It is important that you seek a physician's advice regarding treatment so that you can feel as comfortable as possible. Menopause anxiety and depression are two symptoms you may have during the change.

Menopause anxiety and depression are caused by a hormone imbalance. You feel as if you are on an emotional rollercoaster. You feel tense, sad, angry, a loss of involvement, and fatigued. You may also experience insomnia related to menopause anxiety and depression.

The physical symptoms you may feel during menopause anxiety and depression are headaches, tense shoulders, neck pain, and chest pain. These symptoms are perhaps easier to deal with than other physiological affects your body has. Natural treatments for physical pain can include lavender bath oils, lavender soap, and lavender spray for your rooms, massages, and meditation. Yoga has been found to help relax tensed muscles enough that you can deal with the other affects of menopause anxiety and depression.

Another herb you may take is St. John's Wart. St. John's Wart has been found to be extremely helpful treating menopause anxiety and depression. You will need to follow the label and speak with a physician before taking this herb to make sure you do not overdose and cause other physiological affects.

If you find a natural remedy is not helping to relieve your menopause, anxiety or depression you might decide to try medications. There are medications for helping anxiety or depression. You have probably heard of Zoloft or Prozac. These are just two medications that are used to treat the above problems and help when you are experiencing menopause.

It is extremely important that you seek a physician's advice. You should only take these drugs if you find your life is severely affected by menopause anxiety and depression. You doctor can help you determine this. Sometimes it is only necessary to take these medications for a few weeks before reverting back to herbal remedies or you may need to take these medications for the duration of the menopause depending on the severity of your symptoms. The result you and your doctor are aiming for is relief so be open to getting your body balanced.

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