Thursday, September 5, 2013

Menopause Treatments - Holistic Treatment As Alternative to Conventional Treatment

Menopause symptoms are difficult to deal with that is why women are constantly trying to find ways to cure these symptoms. The conventional treatment of menopause symptoms is through HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy while the alternative treatment is through the holistic approach or holistic treatment. Other menopause treatments are still being studied and hopefully in the future, there would be a lot of credible results that can help women in their quest of curing the menopausal symptoms.

Usually, the menopausal age starts at the age of 51 years old. But younger women who are in their 20's and 30's are already experiencing some of the menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. They're already experiencing these symptoms due to the presence of Zenoestrogens, their constant exposure to new toxins and their genetic predispositions.

Night sweats and hot flashes are the result of varying levels of estrogen and the balancing of a woman's hormones. When the ovaries shrink and the level of the estrogen in the woman's body varies, the body's reaction is to increase its temperature and sweat to cool the skin. The sweating is usually severe at night, thus having the name "night sweats".

Modern medicine explores the holistic treatment for menopause because modern medicine is open to new approach that could help treat the symptoms of menopause.

Studies are being made regarding the holistic treatment and what it could contribute to the menopausal symptoms. It should be noted that not all plant-based alternatives are being studied. Some plant-based alternatives that were studied yielded positive results and are proven to be safe and effective while some alternatives are still being researched.

The holistic treatment of menopausal symptoms can be as effective as the HRT, but the actual shifting from using HRT to the holistic treatment is difficult to attain because there are still a lot of people who are not convinced about the effectiveness of the holistic treatment. Some people are still having doubts about shifting from HRT to the holistic treatment because not even one credible personality or group is publicly endorsing the product saying "yes, it is safe and effective".

Extensive research should be done to point out which holistic treatment is effective and which is not because not all holistic treatments are effective.

The only way to see if the holistic approach is effective is by doing trial and error, personal research, reading available researches and its results, recommendations from trustworthy people, and having a money-back guarantee from the manufacturers.

The US government is implementing new laws to protect the people. They are requiring manufacturers to put labels, expiration dates and have at least one of its active ingredients to be tested in the laboratory.

Menopause treatments are a great help to women who are undergoing menopause because the symptoms are difficult to deal with and women are greatly affected by it.

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