There are a number of causes of Night-sweating. It is important to identify what is causing the problem so that we can know how to treat or alleviate the causes of the condition.
Common causes of night sweating are; the menopause, alcohol, constipation, anxiety, diabetes, and prostate cancer.
Obviously, if diabetes or prostrte cancer are suspected then the only real course of action is to see your local doctor. These conditions need to be checked out immediately so that effective treatment can be started to relieve the situation.
With regard to the other common causes, there are a number of things you can do.
1. Alcohol
Firstly if you know that it often occurs after you have drunk alcohol then try drinking water during the evening and certainly before going to bed. This helps the body to cope with the intake of alcohol which the body regards as a toxin. The body needs at least 8 large glasses of water a day otherwise it gets de-hydrated and a chemical build up of toxins can occur. If you add alcohol to a low intake of water then your body is going to protest - night sweats are part of the body's protest. It can also serve as a warning to slow down on your alcohol consumption. Some people decide to drink to a certain time on an evening out and then turn to soft drinks or even water or Coca Cola.
2. Constipation
This again is caused by the body not having enough water to drink. The body is made up of 70% of water and so we need to replenish this so that we keep our bodies from drying out. Another sign that we are not drinking enough can be dreams. Even hallucinations can happen as our minds play tricks on our brain since we do not drink enough water. Our liver and kidneys need to have water and natural juices like vegetable and fruit to help them function and so help our bodies to get rid of toxins and other waste or harmful by-products that our bodies deem to be waste. A good, healthy diet of home cooked food will help. Why not try to cut down on processed foods and try more healthy options with natural foods as the main ingredients. A good varied diet like the GI Diet can be very helpful with plenty of fibre to naturally clear constipation.
3. Menopause
This obviously affects women who are at the end of their child bearing age. However, the events start in women of varying ages. For some people a visit to the doctor is helpful as they may need help such as a course of estrogen to help stabilise the hormonal imbalance at this time. Those who wish to use a more natural approach can use herbal remedies.
Obvious things that can help with night sweats, or hot flushes, are - making the bedroom cool, avoiding nylon sheets and night wear - opt for natural fibres like cotton. Make sure you drink plenty of water and take time to relax - even have a regular massage to relieve tension. Take time to unwind before bed and make sure you things you find relaxing and avoid heavy late evening meals. Also have a drink of water by your bed for those moments when you wake at night.
4. Tension
If you feel tension is the cause then relaxing and regular massages are brilliant. Another helpful thing is to consider the things that you may be worried about - good friends are essential to talk about these things. Try not to work too late and have a period of "me" time where you can relax and switch off. Maybe you find puzzles or a favourite movie or music that helps you relax. Find pre-bed-time activities that help you switch off from the every day events that you are involved in.
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