Sunday, August 11, 2013

Success With Pre-Menopause Weight Gain Treatment

Weight gain is something women fear. We even can be kept awake at night worrying about how we will fit into our new evening dress or what we will look like in a swimming suit this year at the beach. Gaining weight can be a death sentence. As your middle begins to expand and you push harder at the gym to lose those added inches around your waist you find yourself running out of steam as you crumble at the thought - are you getting old? You have heard of perimenopause is this the same? You're too young for menopause but you know it's time to find the right pre-menopause weight gain treatment to keep the pounds off and you feeling - looking great.

Daily your thoughts are filled with "You can't go up an other dress size you just bought these new jeans the ones that make your "tummy flat." Yet you feel like your thighs are expanding at night while you try to sleep even though you're doing more tossing than slumbering. Let's not mention you just don't feel 'like it' when the man in your life mentions sex. Your guy says he understands and you tell yourself it's because you look and feel fat but deep down inside that is only part of it. You really aren't interested in intimacy, in fact your libido is low.

When Does Pre-Menopause or Peri-Menopause Start?

It's hard to admit it but you sound like your older friend or mother but you are only in your forties or perhaps early fifties can it be menopause? It likely is something that gets little attention it's pre-menopause. This is the time between peri-menopause when you found yourself in your late thirties to mid-forties usually. You first had something cause a hormone imbalance like having a baby or just 'hitting' thirty-five seemed to make a difference. Your symptoms included low energy, adult acne, and if your hormones are way out of whack you are irritable and have trouble losing weight already.

Then somewhere about 45 you notice more gray hairs, flabby abs, and your skin over night seems to have a dozen more fine lines or dark spots. Your other symptoms may be increasing too. Your anxiety is at an all time high only challenged by your insomnia, and the irritability has turned into mood swings. The biggest worry is still the weight gain and how to trim the pounds before it's to late.


As we age our hormones change in our body. We make less and sometimes we get out of balance as we continue to make more of one hormone than another. You likely have heard of estrogen and progesterone but many people don't know that women also have a fair amount of testosterone and DHEA not to mention thyroid and adrenal hormones just to name a few. So lets take a look at how some of these play a roll in our weight gain.

DHEA The Age Gauge is nicknamed the 'mother of all hormones' as it has the ability to convert into estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. In 1984 Dr. Norman Orentreich proved that DHEA declined with age. DHEA is one hormone we should never let slow to low levels. Research has shown that low levels of this substance contribute to obesity and even high blood pressure or diabetes.

Melatonin we don't often think of this as a hormone but it is and is produced by the pineal gland. It not only includes youthful sleep patterns it aids our body defenses so that toxins that can make us sick or make us hold on to fat and stop us from winning the age battle. Many alternative practitioners consider Melatonin to be part of the list when it comes to essential hormones you must have to lose weight.

Natural estrogen is so important that drug companies have tired to make synthetic estrogen so they can make money but be cautious when looking at this. You only want to take bio-identical estrogen. When you do you will be happy you did as you experience better muscle tones, less wrinkles, better hair texture, and yes a reduction in your flabby abs or as the medical community calls it abdominal fat loss. This is because Estrogen lowers cortisol which in turn reduces abdominal fat per Female Patient April 2001, 26:18-24

Next Natural Progesterone flat out helps pre-menopause weight gain according to Female patient 2001 Oct, 19-23.

What if we kept going through the list of hormones and looked at adrenal gland, testosterone and thyroid not to mention the actions they all have on anti aging. Pre-Menopause Weight Gain doesn't have to be in your life even if you have put on a full dress size or two already. Losing weight once you are over forty becomes harder as your metabolism wanes due to these changes. Simple working with a natural herb and nutrition specialist can help you find the right pre-menopause weight gain treatment for you.

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