Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Menstrual Irregularity and PMS Treatment

Menstrual Irregularity means when there is change in the regularity schedule of periods. There can be a sudden bleeding for 2 weeks or you can miss periods for a month or two. Perimenopause is the gradual process of reaching menopause. You can go through the perimenopause period for months or even years during which the flow might suddenly increase or decrease. The periods become erratic.

Menstrual irregularity can be due to physical change where there is an imbalance in the hormones or psychological reasons which can change the balance of bodily functions. It can occur due to stress, excessive weight gain or weight loss, uterine cancer or abnormalities etc. It has been also observed that a vegetarian woman is more susceptible to have irregular periods than a non vegetarian woman due to the high amount of fiber intake in the diet which causes the estrogen levels to drop resulting in irregular menstrual. Other symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, headaches and problem in sleeping.

Menstrual Irregularity can also occur if there is premature ovarian failure where the ovaries of women near her 40s stop functioning normally.

The PMS becomes worse since the body is getting ready for a drastic change again. Premenstrual Syndrome is a state where the level of progesterone decreases and there is an increase in the levels of estrogen, resulting in hormonal imbalance. Day to day work looks like a challenge and due to the mood swings; emotional outbursts, irritability it becomes quite frustrating dealing with the biological changes which are beyond control.

At times decreasing the intake of sugar, caffeine and salt and regular exercise helps deal with stress level that tends to build up during this phase. A visit to a Doctor is must during this period who would probably advise PMS vitamins or Hormone Replacement Therapy. At times magnesium levels need to be increased which should be done under the care of a Doctor.

Some women have got lot of relief from taking herbal medication while others have fallen for the ancient therapy of China- acupuncture which helps to regularize the blood flow and the periods. Another way to treat PMS is using bio-identical hormones which contain estrogen and progesterone.

At times PMS stirs a physiological mayhem bringing unresolved emotional issues at the forefront leading to depression. The best thing to do during such a time is to address and resolve the issues which are draining you emotionally. One way to handle PMS is to stay positive. Stress management can also help in improving the PMS condition.

To deal with acute PMS also known as PMDD (Premenstrual dysphonic disorder) in wherein the women is usually tensed, has mood swings, feels hopeless, anger and anxiety, the only medication approved is an antidepressant.

Botanical treatment where herbs and plants are used to help deal with PMS is also used as an alternative but some doctors are not aware of it and others don't recommend it since this has not yet been approved broadly.

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