Saturday, July 13, 2013

Treatment of Vaginal Dryness and Painful Intercourse

Women who are nearing the menopause state face problems such as vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. The main cause is the lowering of the estrogen level which leads to the thinning of the vaginal lining and also of the drying up of the wall. This condition is known as vaginal atrophy. However, there are other causes also which might cause the vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. These include the Sjogren's disease, surgical removal of the ovaries and issues related to stress and depression. If you are one of those women who are suffering from the symptom of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, then you should keep in mind these following remedies which would help you in getting relief. However, before taking any of these medications, you should consult a doctor.

Vaginal moisturizers is one of such remedies that you can use for getting relief from the vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. These are easily available over the counter and gives immediate relief. However, because of their consistency and smell they are not liked by most of the women. Also these do not help in thickening the lining of the vagina and thus is not always effective in giving long time relief.

Another medication which is easily available over the counter is the water soluble lubricants. This also provides temporary relief and helps in gaining natural lubrication but also has the problem of consistency and smell and therefore is not liked by many women.

Many doctors prescribe, depending on the condition of the patient, low dose vaginal estrogen ring. It helps to prevent the thinning of the vaginal tissues and also they are regarded as much safer than consuming estrogen pills regularly. However, small amount of estrogen consumption does occur into the body.

Oral consumption of estrogen pills is regarded as another treatment of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. They are prescribed by the doctors when the other remedies fail to provide any relief to the patient. These pills bring relief in many ways. They help in preventing the vaginal tissues from thinning and therefore you would get long term relief from these menopausal symptoms.

They are also effective against symptoms such as bone loss and hot flashes. Along with the benefits there are some risks also involved with the intake of estrogen pills. It might lead to the increase of risk of breast cancer in many women, if it is taken with progestin. The risk of uterine cancer also increases if a woman is taking the estrogen pills without the progesterone. The risk of blood clots also increase with this medication.

With proper medication you can easily get relief from the irritating symptoms of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. However, along with these medications you need to follow a balanced diet as well as have lots of fluid.

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