Friday, July 19, 2013

Seven Myths You Should Know About Menopause

You may know a bit about menopause, most likely from your mother or the ladies in the office. However there are some myths about menopause that you should know about - not only so you aren't confused about what to expect, but so you can pass this valuable information on (to the ladies in the office!)

Myth #1 - Menopause isn't a disease so I shouldn't need to see a doctor for it.

Truth: Although most symptoms of menopause are more annoying than truly painful, there are some symptoms that can easily mimic those of real diseases. Some of the symptoms can be associated with Epstein-Barr virus, anemia, thyroid disorders, and even the big "C". Do you really want to take that chance?

Myth #2 - Your sex life is gone once menopause begins, you may as well face it.

Truth: Many women don't experience the drop in libido after perimenopause starts, although some find that the vaginal dryness can make intercourse painful. If you find that to be true, try getting some lubrication first, it can make the difference. Also there are some terrific estrogen creams that can be used to help as well, and don't forget it may take a little longer to get you ready, but isn't that what it's all about? Tell your partner to work at a little, for once. It's worth it!

Myth #3 - Hormone replacement therapy is the only way to treat menopause.

Truth: Many women find that they can help to keep the worst symptoms at bay using natural remedies, such as: black cohosh, licorice root, red clover, dong quai, ginseng, primrose oil, and of course the addition of soy to the diet on regular basis. Even a change to a healthier diet and a regime of exercise can make a huge difference in how you feel. Of course natural remedies may be a bit less risky than HRT as well.

Myth #4 - Women don't have to worry about heart attacks like men do.

Truth: Please don't believe this myth - it could really cost you your life! As female hormones decrease, especially estrogen, a women's risk of heart attack and stroke start to rise. This is because the hormones have a protective function in nature, which is lost as the estrogen starts to lessen. Doctors have been starting to make women aware of this but many still don't get the message.

Myth #5 - A simple blood test can let you know whether you are starting menopause or not.

Truth: Actually there is a test to find out if the hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is decreasing in the body, and this can be an indication of perimenopause. However, even as this is the main hormone responsible for the beginning of a woman's period, the catch is that this doesn't necessarily indicate the fluctuation of hormones that mean menopause is truly here. In other words it's not a yes or no test.

Myth #6 - I'm only 36 years old, way too young to be starting symptoms of menopause.

Truth: Although it's true most women start having these symptoms between the ages of 45 and 55, it's not unheard of to start having them much earlier. General health, diet, and even genetics play a role in how soon a woman starts perimenopause, so it's really a tossup at best.

Myth #7 - Irregular bleeding almost always means cancer.

Truth: As a woman reaches menopause, the hormones will fluctuate wildly to the point where a regular period may not happen for months. One month her period may be very heavy, and the next month almost nothing. This is normal, and should not be a cause for alarm by itself. Of course if your period is heavy for a much longer time period, see your doctor to make sure it's not something else.

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