Sunday, July 14, 2013

Your Menopause - Can Natural Remedies Help You Cope?

One look at the pharmacy shelf will show literally dozens of natural remedies for menopause vying for your attention. But how do you choose the right one to help with those unpleasant symptoms you've been experiencing and are they likely to work?

So many more women are choosing the natural route, with the current trend for organic and healthier options for food and a more natural way of treating our bodies.

So, when you're going through the menopause, what natural remedies and supplements can help and what can they be used to treat?

Women suffer from a wide variety of symptoms at various stages of the menopause and perimenopause. Unpleasant symptoms can include some or all of the following:- hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain, night sweats, depression, mental fog or confusion, loss of libido and insomnia. The causes of these are related to the changing levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in the body and can cause severe and almost debilitating symptoms.

Whilst herbal or natural remedies are no substitute for visiting a doctor, they may help to relieve symptoms sufficiently to make them bearable.

Popular remedies include black cohosh and supplements which contain natural hormone replacement ingredients, for example, chaste berry. Another way of getting nature to help you is by increasing your intake of soy products, which are high in isoflavons and phytoestrogens and have long been thought to be one of the reasons that women in some cultures have far less severe menopause symptoms than women do in the West.

Recent research has shown that black cohosh seems to have less effect than at first thought. However, it's important to remember that different women respond differently to herbs and remedies, so do try out a number of supplements that are designed to treat the symptoms that are causing you most trouble.

For example, if you are struggling with hormone fluctuations, wild yam, chaste berry and St John's Wort may help to bring some balance. If it's hot flashes that are causing the most problems, then black cohosh, soya products and ginseng may help to provide relief. Of course, for severe symptoms, it's important to get in touch with your doctor.

Just do your research about what can help offer you relief and stick with it for the recommended treatment time to see if it is having the desired results for you.

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