Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hot Flash Remedy - Three That Are Natural and Effective

Do you find yourself feeling warm while others don't? If you do, then you might be experiencing hot flashes, a common symptom of menopause caused by decreasing levels of estrogen. Around 85% of American women experience hot flashes in varying degrees as they approach menopause; 20-50% of them continue to feel hot flashes for the first two years after their last period. The intensity of the hot flashes decreases with time, but they can be very uncomfortable while they last. Thankfully, you can use a hot flash remedy that is completely natural to soothe discomfort and decrease the severity of your menopause symptoms. Enjoy a good night's sleep and a pleasant day with these three natural hot flash remedies.

Vitamin E for Hot Flash Relief

Most people think of the antioxidant vitamin E as a single substance working alone. The fact of the matter is that vitamin E is actually made up of several different antioxidants - four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). The alpha tocopherol vitamin E is the only type that the human body can store and maintain. It is also a popular subject of scientific research, and one of the few natural substances that delivers consistent results to women suffering uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Not only was alpha tocopherol found to relieve hot flashes; it can also combat vaginal dryness, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

If you intend to take vitamin E for menopause relief, consider investing in a vitamin C supplement too. Research shows that vitamins E and C are a highly effective antioxidant team, with vitamin C enhancing the effects of vitamin E.

Progesterone Cream to Keep You Cool

The symptoms of menopause are not so much caused by the drop in hormones as an imbalance in the ways estrogen and progesterone get depleted. Estrogen levels only fall by 40-60% during menopause, but progesterone levels can drop to as low as zero. This happens because of the loss in ovarian function. The ovaries are responsible for producing natural progesterone but once ovulation stops, the ovaries no longer secrete this hormone. Progesterone is critical to your body because it inhibits the harmful effects of estrogen, particularly cell growth. If left unopposed, estrogen can promote unhealthy cell growth, which can lead to the formation of tumors - and if there isn't any progesterone left to stop this from happening, this can cause severe health problems.

One interesting discovery made by current research is that natural progesterone cream is more effective at reducing hot flashes and other menopause symptoms than estrogenic substances. A controlled scientific study involved the participation of 120 menopausal women who experienced hot flashes daily. Half of them were given 20mg of natural progesterone cream a day, while the other half were given a placebo. Not only did the progesterone cream reduce hot flash episodes significantly (83% reduction in the progesterone group, compared to 19% reduction in the placebo group); it did not reduce bone density the way synthetic estrogen does. Take note that the word "natural" is used - the synthetic progesterone progestin has been found to cause breast cancer, especially when used with synthetic progesterone.

If you'd like to explore the benefits of progesterone cream, it's best if you see a naturopathic doctor and take a saliva test to measure your body's estrogen and progesterone level. This will help your doctor determine the appropriate dosage, or if you might benefit more from a natural estrogen supplement. Progesterone cream is very easy to use: apply as directed in areas with thin skin such as the throat, chest, breast, or inner arms.

Maca to Keep as a Hot Flash Treatment

Instead of taking hormone replacement therapy, thousands of American women depend on a root crop from Peru for menopause relief. This root is called maca, and it has been a popular Peruvian remedy for thousands of years. Only lately have Western women realized how critical maca can be to their health. Unlike phytoestrogenic plants like black cohosh, which work on the ovaries to regulate their functions, maca works on different organs like the adrenal gland, pituitary gland, and the pancreas to reduce the symptoms of menopause. This ancient remedy has also been found to maintain the libido during menopause by increasing the endocrine gland's output. Take note that maca itself does not contain any hormones; rather, its effects on the pituitary gland produces the precursors needed to raise progesterone and estrogen levels. Unlike hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which shocks the body and throws it into a state of confusion, maca's effects work slowly, naturally, and produce very few side effects.

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