Friday, August 9, 2013

Post Menopause Symptoms (How to Find Natural Relief)

Experiencing post menopause symptoms after going through the inconvenience and grief of menopause may strike any woman as being a bit unfair. After all, menopause has earned the stigma of being a negative phase that all females must go through; so much so that plenty of them think post menopause should bring a semblance of relief.

With the right frame of mind and natural methods to address post menopause symptoms, this is actually possible. Natural remedies are tried-and-tested methods to treat the most common post-menopausal symptoms mentioned below. It is encouraged to consider them before going for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which can have harmful side effects that include certain types of cancer.

Vaginal dryness and itchiness are only some of the most annoying post menopause symptoms a woman can experience. Taking into consideration that, technically, a woman is post menopausal for the rest of her life once she enters this stage, an itchy or dry vagina can really set anyone on edge all the time and put one's sex life on indefinite hold.

The walls of the vagina get thinner with age and provide less lubricant than before menopause set in. The best natural solution would be to buy a water-based, non-irritating lubricant for sexual intercourse. Homeopathics also recommend using organic ingredients to combat post menopause symptoms of vaginal itchiness and dryness.

For instance, essence of belladonna is said to instantly relieve a painfully dry and oversensitive vagina. A sitz bath infused with comfrey root done for 5-10 minutes several times a week can help keep vaginal tissues strong and flexible. Comfrey in ointment form can also be used as lubricant for sexual intercourse. It's also advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and soda. Other things you should cut down on or avoid altogether: refined food, white sugar, steroids, and stress as these can exacerbate both the drying and itchiness. A smart thing to do is to take a specially prepared herbal supplement designed specifically to relieve post menopause symptoms.

Bladder problems, especially incontinence, can also rear their ugly heads as post menopause symptoms. Commonplace things can trigger it: a sneezing fit, laughter, coughing, lifting heavy objects, and even stress. Incontinence is understandably embarrassing. People joke about springing a leak at inconvenient times, but it really is no laughing matter once it happens to you. Stress incontinence is usually the result of weakened pelvic muscles. In this light, certain pelvic exercises such as Kegel can aid women and help control incontinence. Kegel exercises done regularly (anywhere at any time) can tone up voluntary vaginal muscles to improve stress incontinence. Certain yoga postures that require deep breathing and doing pelvic floor muscle squeezes also help.

Perhaps one of the most serious post menopause symptoms that needs to be addressed right away is high blood pressure. Hypertension among post-menopausal women is directly caused by reduced estrogen levels in the body. Blood flow slows down because of thinning blood vessels. Because of this, post-menopausal women can feel dizzy, drowsy, nauseous, and have palpitations. High blood pressure is dangerous because it puts a strain on the heart and can give way to heart diseases.

Before getting prescriptions for hypertension medication or going for HRT, take a good and thorough look at your lifestyle first. Are you still actively smoking? Do you eat healthy? Do you drink regularly alcoholic beverages? If yes, it is high time to quit. One of the most effective methods in battling post menopause symptoms is to give up harmful vices and take up healthy and sound habits like eating high fiber foods and exercising daily. These aren't too hard to accomplish. Adding fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grains to your diet and doing 20-30 minute walks a day should already do wonders in normalizing your blood pressure.

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