Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fibroid Tumors Natural Treatment - Shrink Fibroids Naturally

For many women with fibroid tumors, natural treatment is by far the best option. Indeed for many it can be the only option as doctors often offer very few solutions. Fortunately, there are ways to shrink fibroids naturally which can avoid the need for other forms of treatment.

Fibroids are very rarely life-threatening and many doctors will recommend that they are left alone and that you should "live with them" as they will naturally shrink during the menopause. Now this is all well and good if your menopause is just around the corner. However, for those who have years to go until the menopause or if your symptoms are just downright uncomfortable or even debilitating, this is a far from satisfactory option.

If your fibroids are very large, you may be offered surgery. There are basically two options for surgery-a complete hysterectomy or selective treatment which deals with individual or groups of fibroids by means of cauterization, surgical removal or heat treatment. Before surgery, you are likely to be given hormonal treatment to prevent the body producing estrogen, which is known to "fuel" fibroid growth. This in itself can cause severe problems as it effectively puts you into a temporary early menopause. This causes hot flashes, night sweats, thinning vaginal skin, facial wrinkles and, perhaps most worrying of all, osteoporosis. A hysterectomy is a major operation which carries with it the risks of any major surgery and most women would prefer to avoid this at all costs. With regard to the other less radical treatments, the most worrying issue is that even if individual fibroids are removed or treated, they are very likely to begin growing back within a few months.

Many women believe that it is the very fact that fibroids are usually harmless which encourages doctors to have a "leave it be" attitude. However, by doing this they are simply not acknowledging the terrible symptoms which fibroids can cause. Typical symptoms can include bloating, painful intercourse, bladder and bowel problems, heavy bleeding, anemia, spotting between periods and breathlessness.

There are a handful of alternative practitioners who specialize in fibroid tumors natural treatment. However, reputable practitioners can be difficult to locate and their specialism often means that their waiting lists can be very long and their prices very high. However, it is well-known that their methods have been used to shrink fibroids naturally.

Doctors know that there is no "one" cause of fibroids and they are known to grow in response to a number of factors which subtly interact within a woman's body, triggering fibroid formation and growth. One of the main fuels of fibroid growth is estrogen, so very often, using natural ways of reducing estrogen can prevent further growth and occasionally can help to shrink fibroids. Estrogen can be reduced by keeping your weight under control, as this hormone is produced by, and stored in fat cells. This is likely to be the reason why overweight women are more likely to have fibroids. In some cases, natural estrogen is not a factor, but some women are found to have excess pollutants stored in the liver which can mimic the action of estrogen and removing these by way of a liver detox plan have proved to be helpful. Women who are prone to inflammatory conditions are also more likely to have fibroids, so some women find that eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as oats, hops, rosemary and cumin can be beneficial.

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