Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Natural Remedies to Stop Uterine Fibroids From Growing - A Risk Free Guide

When we talk of natural remedies, it means the natural way of stopping fibroids without seeking the help of a medical specialist. Fibroids are the most common reason that women visit a gynecologist in the ten or fifty years before menopause. Fibroids tend to grow during the years before menopause and then atrophy after menopause. This suggests that estrogen stimulates fibroid growth, but we also know that once they get larger, progesterone too can contribute to their growth. Many doctors prescribe Lu pron injections to block all sex hormone production. This causes fibroid to shrink, but they re-develop when the injections are stopped. The anti-progesterone drug RU-486 is also used to reduce the size of larger fibroid. Women with fibroid are often estrogen dominant and have low progesterone levels. In women with smaller fibroid (the size of a tangerine or smaller), when progesterone is restored to normal levels, the fibroid often stop growing and shrink a bit, which is likely due to progesterone's ability to help speed up the clearance of estrogen from tissue. If this treatment can be continued through menopause, hysterectomy can be avoided.

However, some fibroid, when they reach a certain "critical mass," are accompanied by degeneration or cell death in the interior part of the fibroid, and will have interaction with white blood cells that ends up with the creation of more estrogen within the fibroid itself. It also contains growth factors that are stimulated by progesterone. Under these circumstances, surgical removal of the fibroid (mastectomy) or the uterus (hysterectomy) may become necessary. When you think of treating smaller fibroid, your should be thinking in terms of keeping your estrogen milieu as low as possible; when treating large fibroid, all hormones should be kept as low as possible.

The last thing you want to do if you have fibroid is take estrogen, which will stimulate them to grow. If you are estrogen dominant, then it's important to use supplemental progesterone, usually in doses of twenty mg per day during the lute phase of the cycle. Sometimes this approach works to slow or stop the fibroid growth, and sometimes it doesn't. It is worth a try. Reducing stress, increasing exercise, and reducing calories are also good strategies for slowing fibroid growth.

There are a number of techniques for removing fibroids without removing the uterus. If your doctor doesn't know about these, then look forward to my under listed points. Remember I told you in the above summary that some food items should be avoided, and also caffeine. They include:

(1). Meat and dairy product that is rich in estrogen
(2). Reduction in stress.
(3). Taking natural supplement to keep accurate hormonal balance.

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