Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to Treat Fibroids From Home - Natural Uterine Fibroid Treatment Methods For Home Cure

In case you have been diagnosed with fibroids, you must have already explored the different options of treatment for uterine fibroids available to you. Depending upon the size of your tumors and severity of your symptoms your doctor would have advised you either a wait and watch approach or surgery.

Doing nothing about your uterine fibroid treatment is absolutely fine in case you are approaching menopause. This is because with the onset of menopause your estrogen level will naturally decline and make the fibroids shrink naturally.

Surgical options with the exception of hysterectomy do not provide permanent relief from fibroids. This effectively means complete surgical removal of the women. Hence this method of uterine fibroid treatment must not be considered by women wishing to have children in future. For such women natural uterine fibroid treatment methods are the best option.

Natural remedies used in treatment for uterine fibroids concentrate on eliminating the root cause of fibroids in a systematic manner. Fibroids is said to be caused due to a combination of diet, lifestyle, and hereditary factors. Hence natural cure methods aim to correct the impact of each of these factors during uterine fibroid treatment..

In this article I am going to share some natural methods of treatment for uterine fibroids. It is important for you to keep in mind that natural remedies do not provide instant relief. You must be patient and persistent in your approach while using these remedies

1. Liver detox

Liver detox is recommended by many natural practitioners for uterine fibroid treatment. Liver is the main organ responsible in our body for metabolizing estrogen. If the liver does not function properly, it will not be able to eliminate excess estrogen from our body. This in turn will boost the growth of fibroids. Liver-supporting herbs like lemon juice, dandelion root, milk thistle, burdock, artichoke and turmeric are very useful when included as part of your daily diet.


Onions and garlic are both excellent sources of antioxidants which assist in maintaining hormonal balance in our body. Include these as part of your diet wherever possible, especially in raw form.

Eating the correct oils is an important element of an ideal fibroid diet. Olive oil and the Omega oils contained in fish are particularly useful for fibroid cure.

Try to stick to fish and lean white meat such as chicken. Go in for organic food where ever possible. Avoid red meat and eat only lean meat obtained from reputable organic source. Try eating soya burgers and vegetarian sausages instead of the usually variety. Some of the other foods that are known to shrink fibroids include beans, nuts and seeds. The most beneficial seeds are flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Food with anti-inflammatory properties such as oats, cumin, pineapple and rosemary are also known to be useful in treatment for uterine fibroids.

3. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is another option which provides relief from pain associated with fibroid tumors.

4. Body weight

Maintaining ideal body weight is essential for fibroid cure. Incidence of fibroid is known to be greater in women who are overweight. This is because estrogen is manufactured by the fat cells in the body and also stored in them. Hence lower number of fat cells implies less estrogen levels in your body. Needless to say losing weight is essential for your overall well being too.

As I mentioned earlier you must be patient and persistent while resorting to home uterine fibroid treatment methods. You will be successful in your attempts by following a comprehensive plan which is proven to provide results. Absence of such formal plans compelled an alternate medicine practitioner to compile an online guide for fibroid cure. This guide is basically a seven step plan which has helped thousands of women the world in their treatment for uterine fibroids.

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