Sunday, June 16, 2013

Menopause Supplements With Natural Herbal Remedies - Discover How They Can Work For You

Like so many of life's surprises, menopause has more than just one symptom. It also brings with it a great hormonal upheaval that wracks the nerves and leaves the female feeling irritable, moody and just plain miserable.

Below you see listed the top 11 most used menopause supplements with natural herbal remedies. Each one alone helps in certain areas.

1. Cramp Bark (Viburnum Opulus) - controls uterine contractions

2. Red Clover (Rosa) - has phytoestrogens for hot flashes relief

3. Damiana Leaf (Turnera Diffusa Var. Aphrodisiaca) - increases sexual interest

4. Flax Seed (Linum Usitatissimum)- eases hot flashes

5. Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) - reduces hot flashes

6. Motherwort (Leonurus) - relieves anxiety and depression

7. Valerian root(Valeriana officinalis) - enhances mood

8. Evening Primrose Seed (Oenothera Biennis)- controls uterine contractions

9. Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea Villosa) - increases sexual interests

10. Dong Quai Root (Angelica Sinensis) - relieves hot flashes

11. Partridge Berry Leaf (Mitchella Repens) - controls uterine contractions and moodiness

Some of these herbs provide phytoestrogens, natural antioxidants; while some can be used as pain relievers and mood enhancers.

Ask any female in throes of a hot flash, she will surely tell you that all of the above is needed on any given day. That is if you get past her irritability long enough to get an answer. While there are the "blessed" few who do not ever have a single symptom, they are not the norm.

Before we go any further, let's just be clear about what happens to the female during menopause. This way you will better understand what is needed and why menopause supplements with natural herbal remedies are the best option.

The nutshell answer is that it is when a woman no longer has her monthly period. This is however most misleading, since to get to that point there will be years of frustration.

The best answer would have to include the word "process". The process can take as many as 15 or more years and it starts at a different point in time for different individuals. Generally, it happens after forty but there are cases reported where a woman as young as 35 started experiencing the symptoms.

To get a good idea of when you will begin look at the women on your maternal side. If you do stop having periods before the age of 40, please seek medical attention so that you can be sure it is menopause and not something else.

Menopause symptoms include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, urinary tract problems, incontinence, night sweats, insomnia and weight gain. For most women, there are also severe emotional symptoms associated with the onset of menopause, such as anxiety and depression.

The conventional treatment is Hormone replacement therapy. However, women taking HRT face a higher rate of breast cancer and heart diseases.

This is the reason the aforementioned herbs are once again being looked to do the job of helping women deal with the process of aging.

There are many menopause supplements claiming to contain beneficial natural herbal remedies, but few are completely all natural.

For more information and reviews on menopause supplements with natural herbal remedies, please visit my website today.

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